I took a couple of interesting screenshots while having some fun playing Borderlands 2 yesterday. The first one is a spiderant getting so high in the desert sky:
And this next one is a screenshot of a dead spiderant floating in mid-air:
I took a couple of interesting screenshots while having some fun playing Borderlands 2 yesterday. The first one is a spiderant getting so high in the desert sky:
And this next one is a screenshot of a dead spiderant floating in mid-air:
I was doing some offline practice in Team Fortress 2 last night. Here’s a screenshot of me practicing defending the intelligence as Heavy in Capture The Flag:
And here’s a couple of screenshots of me doing some DeGroot Keep practice:
Oh, I also used funny names (especially the ones I made) on the bots while I was doing offline practice. :v
So yeah, everything went well so far. 🙂