Tuesday Evening Open Thread

There’s not a whole lot to report on tonight. San_San and I went to grab groceries from Fred Meyer this evening, and then we got home and went through the whole receipt to check for bought items before putting them away. I guess that shopping trip went really quick. 🙂

And for now for no apparent reason here’s this adorable photo of Morty resting on the wooden chair:

Sunday Garage Wood Work Open Thread

I’ve been doing some wood sawing in the garage lately with the help of my dad. He needed me to get this done so he can use the bandsaw to cut the pieces of wood into wooden arcs. I snapped a picture of them right here:

He’s gonna be using them to put together an outdoor decoration for a house owned by a friendly person whose friends with some friend of ours. Either way, it was a really good wood sawing workout. It helps me build stronger muscles. 🙂

Saturday Open Thread

It was a fairly decent day this evening. San_San and I went out apple picking yesterday at our friendly person’s yard from across the street, and San made us some delicious chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. 🙂 She also made apple crisp for dessert. Here’s a picture of the apple crisp:

After eating dinner and dessert with my family I decided to play a bit of Poker Night at the Inventory, and I managed to get two TF2 items which are a badge and a gun after winning the Poker Night tournament:

Now I can go play Good Cop/Bad Cop in the TF2 world. 😛

Open Thread!

Monday Evening Open Thread

I had a job with a friend of mine over at some old lady’s house today, and things were going quite well. We did a little bit of yard work plus we recycled a lot of old unused junk (rusted metal, tractor tires, etc.) that has been sitting in someone else’s boat shop for years, and after we returned home I managed to get some money (half of it for my wallet and the other half for the bank).

So now I need to check out the Steam market so I can look at some Team Fortress 2 items such as hats, hat paint and War Paint before I go ahead and spend money on them. Open thread! 🙂

I’m Back in Business!

Sorry for not posting last couples day ago. I’ve been down temporarily because I was too busy testing my Steam games on my clean install of Windows 10.

Anyway, I just got two free games installed on my Steam library. Here are the links to both of them:


By the way, everything in my system is behaving smoothly so far. Now I just need to turn up the Eye Candy at maximum velocity on all my games including the ones in my library. 🙂

Thursday Late Night Open Thread: Fucking Norton!

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I’ve been spending my time playing some great Game Boy game roms on the emulator. Tonight was a quiet night. We had some roasted pork, rice and green beans for dinner. That really filled me right up. 🙂

Oh, I encountered something weird while I was on my computer this afternoon. I was running Norton LiveUpdate and it asked me to restart now after it completed the updates. So I clicked Restart Now and let it reboot, and then I got back into Windows but I suddenly lost the internet connection because Norton LiveUpdate screwed it up for no apparent reason. Even my Exterior IP on the Network Meter gadget says ‘No Connection’. Now I got internet connection after I disconnected and reconnected my network card but my External IP said ‘Error 0’. So I went to refresh it, and it comes up with the proper external IP. Then I went to run LiveUpdate again and they’ve got a new patch this time, so I applied it but then Norton closed automatically while it’s in the middle of closing other programs and it’s not on my taskbar anymore. I couldn’t even open it back up so I rebooted again, and when I got back into Windows again everything is normally behaving so far.

I’d never seen any of this happen before, but luckily my Norton didn’t get destroyed other than fucking up my internet connection.

Saturday Afternoon Yard work Open Thread

Today is a breezy but nice day, Papa Smurf and I went out in the backyard to bag up piles of yard waste such as twigs, pinecones, pine needles, etc. I was taking control of the bags while he uses the shovel to put the crap in them. It only took about 20 to 30 minutes to get it done, and so far we bagged up a total of seven bags of yard garbage.

Open Thread.

Afternoon Open Thread

There wasn’t much to report today. I went to do a couple of chores this afternoon because we’re gonna have a house inspection soon. First one is cleaning the kitchen floor by sweeping the crap up, washing it with a damp rag and some soap, rinsing it, and then drying it off with a towel. The other is brushing the carpets in the living room, the hallway and my bedroom so that Papa Smurf can run the vacuum and hit them with it. I hate doing chores, but they need to be done right away.

And before I go do something else, here’s a random Dorkly video that I was watching a couple days ago: