Doing some Skyrim in a Nutshell with Fwendz

Last night I’ve been playing around a bit of GMod with my friends Tomala, Yutram and Lil’ Queef on our journey to Skyrim inside Dragonsreach. Sadly there’s no Jarl Ballin’ in there but we did some watermelon science experimenting by conjuring various elemental watermelons like the watermelon virus, a watermelon turret, and even a glowing holy melon:

So now I got two days off which are tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I’ll plan on doing my bedding tomorrow because it’s already starting to get smelly from my bed sweat while focusing on my comic art project.

The Full Metal Mexican vs. The Evil Watermelon Monster

Made my latest artwork that’s dedicated to Tomala this evening. It was Raiden (not the Thunder God from Mortal Kombat) dressed as the Full Metal Mexican battling against a gruesome watermelon monster:

At the end of the fight the Full Metal Mexican managed to defeat the watermelon monster by slicing it in half with his sword. 😛

Sunday Sunday Sunday Night Open Thread!

I’ve been doing some online backpack shopping over at Amazon with my sister Tomala earlier this afternoon, and I found a perfect backpack that can easily fit my gaming laptop, Steam controller case and wired headset. All four of those items are going to be here next week or so, and I did get a lunch box that one of the employees gave me at work along with a free cookie sandwich from another employee. Now I can make sandwiches for lunch and then stick them in my lunch box when it’s time for my lunch break, but I will remember to make them before going to bed on the days that I go to work. I was going to plan on making some artwork today but I was too busy shopping for backpacks and other electronics.

So far that’s three out of six days of work out of the way, and then once I survive the other half of the three days I will plan on going to the bank with my father on Thursday to do my deposit and get myself a debit card. Now let’s hope I can survive my 4th day of work so I that can come up with some new artwork or maybe getting back into making my current comic art project. 🙂

Meet the Hammering Eskimos

I forgot to put up a screenshot of my latest pixel art last night. It was a pair of Eskimos with wood hammers from the classic Nintendo game ‘Ice Climber’:

It’s been awhile since I made some block art like that. I also uploaded them on Steam if anyone of you Slackers would like to have a look.

Objective Complete: Operation Turn ‘n Burn

I finally survived my first Turn ‘n Burn of the week, and I enjoyed some delicious fast food for dinner with my family this evening and then after dinner I played some Cards Against Humanity online with my sister Tomala, Yutram and Lil’ Queef this evening, and guess who became the winner? Me! That’s right, because I have the most points by coming up with very hilarious answers to some simple questions. I find that game quite fun and crazy, and I sure we’ll do this again at another time.

Tomorrow on my day-off I’ll plan on giving Tomala something special for her birthday. I will also be planning on making some artwork as her birthday gift to go along with something special. I was gonna do it right now but I’m too tired from work and stuffed from eating fast food dinner. Anyways, Happy Birthday Tomala!

In tonight’s post: Monday Open Thread of the Night

After clocking out of work for the day I decided to use up my $5 off coupon to purchase a few things: a bottle of Coca-Cola Zero, a bag of Lay’s potato chips and a York peppermint patty which I saved it after dinner. So now I’m going to be doing my first Turn n’ Burn because I go to work at noon tomorrow and get off at 9 in the evening just to eat something and head straight to bed, then the day after tomorrow I go back to my regular work schedule from 7 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon.

But in the meantime, enjoy this open threadening you fellow Slackers while I get a good night’s rest inside my own headquarters. 🙂

Even More Minecraft-ish Pixel Art Shenanigans

I’ve been uploading some more GMod block art on Steam lately. Here’s a screenshot of what I’ve making for tonight:

I made an 8-bit portrait of Mona Lisa and a red diamond which is used as one of the four card suits. I’ll plan on creating and uploading more pixel art by the time I got done taking a shower after getting off work at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon.