Moar epic Scribblenauts shenanigans
I took a few screenshots of stuff while I was playing some Scribblenauts this afternoon:

Yeah, I’m sure they will make you people laugh too. 😛
Jenny Wakeman meets Beavis and Butt-head
I created another art pic this evening. It’s Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot meets Beavis and Butt-head:
I wish that Nicktoons cartoon will be brought back along with the others like Jimmy Neutron, The Wild Thornberrys and Ren & Stimpy. 🙂
This Late Show video made me lol
Today is a damp day. I had a dental appointment at the dentist office this afternoon, and it went well. The doctors cleaned my teeth and I haven’t lost any teeth which is good. I was on YouTube and watched this video from the Late Show the other day where Stephen talks about Putin, Gay Clowns and Russia:
I really like the short animated Putin gay icon song at the very end of the video, 100% funny. 😛
Have some Scribblenauts art
I went to use my Wacom drawing tablet in Photoshop and created a nice picture of Maxwell and Lily from Scribblenauts:
I even uploaded it on Steam, and if you want to go check it out there, then feel free to click here.
Technical Difficulties
There wasn’t much to report today. We had two power outages last night because of the strong storms. I switched off the computer tower because the lights were starting to flicker, and obviously the internet was down due to the power outages, and then the radio decided to go dead for a while.
Our cat Stewie is afraid of storms, so Papa Smurf turned on the dehumidifier and the entertainment center radio so that Stewie would be happy to listen to the noises. Oh, and speaking of Stewie. I snapped a cute pic of him the other day:
Two kittehs playing in the garden
Papa Smurf got out his camera today and caught some cat footage of Morty and Stewie having fun in the garden:
Rick and Morty meets Pokémon
I found this short video where Rick and Morty face off against each other in a Meeseeks battle:
I like how they use different moves like the broken bottle, the Kali Ma and the Hell mouth. 😛
Found some moar comedy
I have been watching a couple of videos on YouTube this afternoon, and I want to share them with you. First, this video from the Late Show where Stephen is talking about President Tangerine Mussolini, George W. Bush, spiders, etc.:
And this video is from The Tonight Show where Brian Regan does comedy stand-up:
I like the one joke where Brian is talking about dropping planeloads of boots on the soldiers, totally funny. 😛
Have some cute kitty pics
I pulled out my camera today and took pics of Morty and Stewie being cute: