Christmas Time has arrived!
We had a friendly elderly guest of ours coming over to our house this evening for a visit, and we were chowing down some delicious Christmas dinner which is Tri Tip roast beef with baked potatoes, salad, dinner rolls, corn and artichoke casserole:

After we’re all done eating dinner we decided to celebrate the holiday by drinking a good round of B-52 Bomber cocktails, and then our guest sent us some presents that contain candy and gift cards. Not only did I get the Christmas candy and a $25 VISA gift card, I also got a brand new handheld flashlight. 🙂
And now for no weird reason here’s a TF2 screenshot that I took and made it out of something for the holiday:

Merry Christmas Eve and Enjoy This Holly Jolly Comic Project
This is it, my Slacker friends. I have managed to finish my holiday comic project, and now I will show it to all you Slackers:

Click on the link here to see this in full size if you people are having trouble with seeing the words in the speech bubbles.
I drew a thing for the holiday

Time to spread some Christmas cheer with some kitteh pix
It was a decent day this afternoon. I got out my camcorder and snapped some nice pics of Morty and Stewie:
I also got some video footage of the guys doing their outdoor activities, but I think I’ll wait on uploading it on YouTube until I get more good footage of them. 🙂
I hope you Slackers have a wonderful Hairy Krishna. 😛
Merry Christmas ’17!
Enjoy some Buttcracker Suite
Have a hilarious SNL Christmas clip
After I played a bunch of Borderlands 2 tonight, I went on YouTube and found this video from Saturday Night Live that includes little children coming to visit Santa Claus and his elf companion: