More Fun With Borderlands 2

I’ve been battling some more bad guys in Borderlands 2 this evening, and here’s a weapon that I got after spending some golden keys the other day:
I also earned a couple of Dahl blaster rifles but I don’t have screenshots of those. So now is my time to take a break from this game and go do the bed thing. Ciao!
Coming Back To The Bawderlands… 2

I’ve been blowing more stuff up in Borderlands 2 tonight, and I got myself a few golden keys and a new Fan Boat skin customization.
I also obtained a new pistol after retrieving the golden keys but unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot for that because I was too busy shooting down dozens of enemies, and before I go I will show you this cute screenshot of two WAR loaders happily hugging each other in Eridium Blight:
Back In The Bawderlands… Dos *again*
I’ve been spending a bunch of my golden keys in Borderlands 2 for some awesome weaponry and stuff. Here are a few screenshots of my new weapons:
Anyways, I’m 100% satisfied with them and all the other new ones. Now I’mma get myself ready to the bed thing. Goodnight everybody!
Sky High Bandits Glitch in Bawderlands Dos
I was playing some Borderlands 2 the other night and then this happened all of the sudden:
But yeah, that was a really funny glitch right there. 😛
Finally Coming Back To The Bawderlands… 2!

I came back to playing a little bit of Borderlands 2 since it’s been a long time, and I snagged some SHiFT codes to get some keys and powerful loot. So now I have about 100 keys with a really huge mound of cash, and everything in the game seems to be running fine in 2K. Hooray! 🙂
And now for no reason at all, here’s another BL2 pic that I took from last year:
I made a thing on my birthday
Sumthin’ Ain’t Right In Bawderlandz Tres
I discovered something weird yesterday. I was going to punch in a SHiFT code to get some keys in Borderlands 3 but as soon as I click on ‘Social’, my game decided to have a stroke because one of my hard drives that had Borderlands 3 and several other Steam games in it had gone offline. So now everything is working fine in Borderlands 3, and I even obtained the keys before the code has reached the expiration date. Thank goodness for that, and I also got the Daemon head customization last month. 🙂
But for now I’ll wait on a new set of SHiFT codes from Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel so that I can earn more keys and grab new guns, grenades, shields and class mods.
Sunday Sunday Sunday Evening Open Thread
I’m getting too sleepy to think of something to post for tonight other than I played around some more Borderlands 2 after receiving some new weaponry and a bunch of new vehicle customization skins for myself. 🙂
Open Thread!
Coming back to the Bawderlandz… 2!
Been playing some Borderlands 2 lately, and I have reached level 40 as Mechromancer today after killing dozens and dozens of killer creatures like Spiderants, Scaylions and Drifters. So now I just need to wait for a new set of SHiFT codes that contain golden keys while I go out on an adventure killing more creatures with my simply fabulous weaponry, and I still got some sidequests that need to be completed but that’ll have to wait until the next time I join my friends Tomala and Yutram for a good game of Bawderlandz Dos. 😛
Late Wednesday Night Open Thread
I didn’t feel like posting anything for tonight other than I played some Borderlands 2 just to kill more enemies and obtain new guns, and I also did a little more of Scribblenauts Unmasked and made my own version of a special infected zombie character which is now added to my collection of all the survivors and half of the special infected from the L4D series.
Anyways, I got bonus work to do tomorrow in the afternoon. Open Thread!