Some Early Halloween Fun With Bawderlands Dos
I decided to celebrate Halloween early by coming back to playing Borderlands 2, and here’s a screenshot of a special kind of badass loader that I’ve never seen before:

Unfortunately for him he’s no match for me and my awesome weaponry. Now he’s a dead Super Badass loader:

Anyways, I’m still inching closer to reaching level 41 as the Mechromancer in this game. Now I’m heading off to do whatever I’m going to do next before the night is over.
In Tonight’s Post: Dead Robot Standing
I was playing some Borderlands 2 this evening, and this happened all of the sudden:
I just thought that was hilarious the way this red robot died. Now I can give it a nice big hug and then live inside of it. 😛
But yeah, I’ve never seen that happen before until now.
Coming Back To The Bawderlands… 2

I’ve been blowing more stuff up in Borderlands 2 tonight, and I got myself a few golden keys and a new Fan Boat skin customization.
I also obtained a new pistol after retrieving the golden keys but unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot for that because I was too busy shooting down dozens of enemies, and before I go I will show you this cute screenshot of two WAR loaders happily hugging each other in Eridium Blight: