Have some Robot Chicken!
I’ve been watching some YouTube videos from Robot Chicken last night:
I gotta say, these skits are totally funny. 😛
Nyan Jesus is Numero Uno!
I uploaded Nyan Jesus to the Steam workshop, and guess what? It’s the #1 most popular item! 😛
I felt so awesome about this! 😀 If you want to get it from the Steam workshop, then go ahead and click here!
How to make a fudge wreath
Thought I’d share this fudge wreath recipe video from The Rachael Ray Show since Christmas is around the corner:
Saturday Scribblenauts Thread
I took some screenshots of my shenanigans while I was playing Scribblenauts:
I thought these look extremely epic. 😀
1st Day of December Open Thread
I’m too buzzed to write about something worth while right now.
Open thread, everybody!
Stewie and Morty being cute
I’ve been spending some time outside and followed Stewie and Morty around having a good afternoon:
Sunday Night GMod Madness
I’ve been playing around with some GMod, and I took a few screenshots of my funny shenanigans:
Oh, I did get some footage of the bouncing blue balls and a squadron of zombies getting annihilated by a cannonball. 😛 But I still need more footage so I can put up my video online.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Still having fun in the Bawderlands
I took some more screenshots while I was spending time playing Borderlands 2:
I mostly like the one where a bandit nomad gets stuck in the hut while in mid-air, hilarious. 😛