Play It Again, Joe!

I was getting bored so I decided to get back into making my comic project, and so far it’s now getting close to being finished because I need to fill the last of the columns in and then apply certain phrases and sentences on the call-out bubbles. But for now, here’s my latest picture of the Eagles guitar player Joe Walsh playing a red Flying V guitar:

I got to say, Joe is still an excellent guitar-playing professional. 🙂

The Milkman Cometh

Been playing around some more TF2 lately this evening after eating some BLTs for dinner with my family, and I have successfully obtained my 4th refined metal and crafted enough junk to make a milk man’s hat in order to complete The Special Delivery item set in my Scout loadout:

Now I have become the almighty King of Dairy Products! 😛

The Attack of the Many-Legged Alien Carrot

San_San found a large weird-looking carrot out in our garden earlier this afternoon. Here’s a picture of the carrot:

Yep, it has, like, five or six legs on that thing. I’ve never seen a good-sized oddly shaped carrot like this before. Anyway, San made us some Cobb salad for dinner after cutting up the carrots into little slices and then putting them on a tray filled other sliced vegetables such as celery, onions, etc.

I gotta say, it was a great garden-related family dinner. 🙂

Sunday Evening Open Thread

I’ve been helping out Papa Smurf wax our family van last few days ago, and so far we waxed and buffed off most of the van. 🙂 We’ll plan on continuing our wax job tomorrow because Papa needs to make his back less painful.

Oh, last night we had a short power outage while I was in the garage with Papa. So Papa and I walked outside and went down the sidewalk to see what’s going on, and sure enough it was a power line transformer that blew up over at Memory Lane. It’s a good thing there was a backup transformer because if that fails too then we won’t have power for a long time. But yeah, that was really freaky when that happened.

I drew a TF2-related thing tonight

I drew tonight’s artwork that’s related to TF2 since I’ve been playing around on that game some more lately:

Either way, I got three refined metal in my TF2 inventory right now, and I was going to save them for my 4th refined metal and any item set weapon to make my next item set hat. We’ll find out what hat I’m going to make after I get my 4th refined metal.