More Community Fun with TF2

Been playing around some more on community servers in TF2 lately, and I have managed to craft enough junk to make the 4th refined metal in my inventory:

So now I’m at the point where I’m thinking about which Item Set weapon I should sacrifice along with my 4 refined metal to craft them into a specific Item Set headgear.
GMod Idiot Box Lost Tapes Numero Dos
Yesterday I was watching a latest GMod Idiot Box video that someone by the name of Crunchy Soap uploaded on YouTube last year. Enjoy your show!
Credit goes to everyone for the music, original soundtracks and sound effects. Oh, and also Crunchy Soap, friend of DasBoSchitt, for making this hilarious YouTube video too. 😉 I think my most favorite part of the video where a gun-wielding police officer says ‘Hold your fire!’ to another police officer who is holding real fire, 100% hilarious. 😛
Time for more Morty photos
Here are some pics of Morty which were taken from yesterday. He was making adorable poses from under the keyboard while half of his body is out of the leopard-printed blanket on the keyboard:

Yep, he’s still a cute little bugger. 😛
We had a wonderful sunset tonight
I had my camera out and took a picture of this gorgeous sunset from outside the window of our dining room:

I’m feeling too meh to report on something… so have a latest funny TF2 screenshot that I took last week:

Have some Happy Spring Flowers
I got out my tablet tonight and drew a picture of two happy flowers known as Daniel Daisy and Bonnie Buttercup as they celebrate the first day of Spring of the year:

The reason why I put this up is because I like various sorts of flowers, especially the ones growing on the lawn. 🙂
Belated St. Patty’s Family Dinner Open Thread
My family and I stopped at an Irish themed restaurant this evening for our belated St. Patrick’s Day celebration. We tried going inside and looking for an open table but the restaurant was crowded with a several dozen people and there was not a single open table for us, so we decided to go eat outdoors instead.
Anyway, we chowed down on delicious Fish n Chips, and ordered some ice-cold boozy drinks while San_San ordered hot tea.
I gotta admit, that was a great (Slacker’s) St. Patty’s Day family dinner for us. Oh, and we also lived for another day too. 🙂
Happy St. Trollface’s Day

Adorable Morty Photos
I took some photos of the little bugger last couple days ago. Here’s a few of them on what he was doing:

Yeah, Morty really loves to make strange centerfold poses. 😛
Latest TF2 hat drop of the month
Guess what I’ve got while I was playing on some random community servers in TF2 last night?

I just love getting random hats as item drops like this. 🙂