Final Open Thread of the Year
This year has been a really rough one than last year. It went from the notoriously evil orange shit-stain celebrating National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in January to him blowing up the Wall Street stock market, shutting down the government and continuing the government shutdown until he gets a border wall. However, he will be impeached next year so that he will quit trying to blow up our country and hopefully receive life in prison without parole.
I gotta tell you, this year sucked balls just like the last two years. Now let’s hope next year will be a better year for us.
We had a beautiful Winter sunset tonight

I made more artwork tonight
I decided to get out my Wacom tablet and drew a picture right here:

The reason why I made that is because I made a Scribblenauts avatar character named Axl last couple weeks ago:

Axl is Maxwell’s custom sibling who wears his favorite red/lime green jacket, a pair of lime green shades, dark pants and light gray gloves. He looks a little similar to my new Scout loadout in Team Fortress 2:

Some SEGA Game Shenanigans

I’ve been playing some Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine on SEGA Mega Drive & Genesis Classics with my Steam controller. It’s a game is about competing against various robot characters in different stages that include a robotic chimpanzee, a tall-legged chicken wearing an armored suit, etc. Here’s a picture of the gameplay:

This game is really fun to play but the computer players are brutally intense, and what I like about it is the combo bonuses that send invisible blobs to the opposing player. Awesome! 🙂 I managed to complete the first two stages in the game so far, then I moved on to another SEGA game called Columns:

This game looks similar to an old Windows game Jewel Master because of the sound effects, but Jewel Master never existed until 1992. Anyway, here’s a pic of the gameplay in the SEGA game:

I’d thought it was quite fun too. On another note I have unlocked an achievement for gaining a high score of 5,000 points on Easy mode in Columns. 🙂
Short Wednesday Evening Open Thread
We went to go see the belated holiday light show festival this evening, and we got some video footage of some things like the fire-breathing Christmas Lochness Monster, Golfing Santa, gingerbread men playing volleyball and all the others until the rain started falling down. So that’s our cue to leave the light show, but at least we had a good time over there. 🙂
After we got back home from the light show we had delicious cheeseburgers and fries that San_San and Papa Smurf picked up at a restaurant for dinner. Once again, we all lived for another day.
Open Thread, ladies and gentlemen.
I drew a thing for the holiday

Have another Morty pic on Christmas Eve
Here’s a picture I took of the little weasel guy resting on the carpet from awhile back:

Sunday Late Night Open Thread: TF2 Edition

I’ve been playing on some community servers in TF2 lately, and somebody sent me a wrapped Giftapult present that contains a cosmetic for the Demoman:

I did manage to obtain two achievements while I was playing around. One of them is for providing an enemy with a freeze cam shot of me waving to them, and the other one is for extinguishing my burning teammate by using my Jarate. 🙂 So yeah, It was a lot of fun trying to put arrows on my enemies’ heads as a Bow ‘n Arrow Sniper, neutralizing them with the Cow Mangler as Soldier, and all sorts of fun things.
This pic is for San_San on her birthday

Tree Fallin’
Once again, sorry for not posting anything because my Slackers site(s) have been disabled because of an infected malware attack. Either way, I heard a big boom coming from behind our house a few days ago. So I went out back with my camera and took a picture of the evidence:

It was a picture of a tree located in our next door neighbors’ backyard. The tree fell down on 2 to 3 properties and not only did it destroy a few metal fences, it also demolished part of our roof:

Man, I just can’t believe that happened. Hopefully the repair crew would fix the roof on time before the rain comes.