Wednesday Afternoon Bawderlands Open Threadening!
Today turned out to be a fairly decent day. I’ve been hearing loud sounds of weed wackers and lawnmowers in the background for about a few hours while I was working on my comic art project, which is about halfway done right now. I decided to take a break from making GMod pixel art and get my weaponry and gear all ready in Borderlands 2 with my friends since my sis Tomala is gonna be live streaming with our friends, but first we’re going to blow stuff up in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel before we can jump right into Borderlands 2 if we got enough time to do so.
So now the question is: What should I plan on doing inside my secret hamster headquarters on my day-off tomorrow?
We’ll find out when I have put something up on my blog tomorrow, so stay tuned and enjoy this open thread.
Sunday Sunday Sunday Night Open Thread!
I’ve been doing some online backpack shopping over at Amazon with my sister Tomala earlier this afternoon, and I found a perfect backpack that can easily fit my gaming laptop, Steam controller case and wired headset. All four of those items are going to be here next week or so, and I did get a lunch box that one of the employees gave me at work along with a free cookie sandwich from another employee. Now I can make sandwiches for lunch and then stick them in my lunch box when it’s time for my lunch break, but I will remember to make them before going to bed on the days that I go to work. I was going to plan on making some artwork today but I was too busy shopping for backpacks and other electronics.
So far that’s three out of six days of work out of the way, and then once I survive the other half of the three days I will plan on going to the bank with my father on Thursday to do my deposit and get myself a debit card. Now let’s hope I can survive my 4th day of work so I that can come up with some new artwork or maybe getting back into making my current comic art project. 🙂
In tonight’s post: Monday Open Thread of the Night
After clocking out of work for the day I decided to use up my $5 off coupon to purchase a few things: a bottle of Coca-Cola Zero, a bag of Lay’s potato chips and a York peppermint patty which I saved it after dinner. So now I’m going to be doing my first Turn n’ Burn because I go to work at noon tomorrow and get off at 9 in the evening just to eat something and head straight to bed, then the day after tomorrow I go back to my regular work schedule from 7 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon.
But in the meantime, enjoy this open threadening you fellow Slackers while I get a good night’s rest inside my own headquarters. 🙂
Good Time Friday Open Thread
It was a grey, foggy day today. I received a couple things while I was at work earlier this afternoon. The first thing I got is a paycheck from yesterday that got lost somewhere at work for no apparent reason, and the second thing I got is a $5 off coupon that one of the top bosses gave me. I was very excited about it and what’s even more excited at work today is that I had a new friendly employee who joined me to do some shopping cart sanitation. 🙂
One of these days while I’m off from work I should go to the bank with my father and get me a debit card after depositing our coins so that I won’t have to worry about spending dollar bills out of my wallet. Open thread.
Saturday Night Open Thread
Hurrah! I managed to survive my first week of work. I was going to plan on making some hand drawn artwork since I got Easter off tomorrow, so I need to come up with something that’s related to Easter. 🙂
I’ll think of something Easter-related while sleeping in my own hamster lair. But in the meantime, open thread.
Monday Afternoon Open Thread
I survived my first of work at local store in town this afternoon. I’ve been doing some online computer training and trying to jump through hoops while answering some questions that confuse the heck out of me in various online quizzes but took me a few tries to get them all figured out. Then once that’s all done I went to go do some disinfecting on the shopping carts with a couple friendly employees who are also disinfecting shopping carts while greeting some people who walked into the store, and by the time I got done doing my work I had some leftover macaroni and cheese in the break room with my mother San_San after letting her know that I’m done working for the day.
So everything worked out quite well today. Oh, and I did get to meet some good employees including the ones that do the shopping cart disinfection to stop germs from making people sick and also stop COVID-19 from killing them. 🙂
Open thread.
Job Orientation Open Thread with new GMod pixel art
Didn’t have anything blog-worthy to write about on April Fools’ Day unfortunately, but tomorrow I will heading be over to a local store in town at 10 o’ clock in the morning for my job orientation. Hopefully things will go nice and smooth as planned after going through orientation.
And for no particular reason here’s a screenshot of my new GMod block art that I created last night:
Monday Night Open Thread with cute Morty fotoz
I snapped a couple of cute cat photos of the little guy camping in my bedroom:
I forgot to put these up this evening because I was too busy experimenting some stuff on my blog after my sister finished transferring over my blog to an IP address. Anyways, I got a job interview tomorrow over at a local store in town. Hopefully things will go well as planned. 🙂
Wednesday Night Belated Birthday Dinner Open Thread
My apologies for not posting last couple days ago. Either way, my family and I went over to visit a friendly elderly family relative of ours at their house for dinner this evening.

We were chowing down on some yummy lasagna along with salad that they made, and then we enjoyed some chocolate cake with sprinkles on my belated birthday. Here’s the picture of my belated birthday cake:

I did receive a happy birthday card from them, and the birthday card contained a $25 Visa gift card. Awesome! Now I just need to save my gift card for the Steam Summer Sale this year. 🙂
Once again, my family and I lived for another day as always.
Wednesday Late Night Open Thread
There’s nothing major to report here and it was a busy day for me because I’ve been doing some yard work from out back such as raking and weed wacking. I got half of the weed trimming done in our backyard, and my dad took over the weed wacker to trim the other half down to lawn-mower.
Then we enjoyed some delicious sweet-and-sour chicken with rice for dinner earlier this evening but unfortunately I don’t have a picture of tonight’s dinner because I was too busy focusing on my food while spending time with my family. So tomorrow I’m going to be planning on drawing a Valentine’s Day-themed piece of artwork that people would happily love to see. 🙂
Until then, enjoy this open thread.