My comic project is finished
I managed to complete my comic project this evening, it was all written down using a pen, some coloring pencils and a piece of paper. I’m not going to post the entire thing but instead I will be putting one panel at a time per day because my father told me to. Here’s the picture of the first panel where a guy named Dean is walking over to his friend Ryan’s house:

Netflix Commercial (SNL sketch)
While I was eating dinner with my family, I saw this Saturday Night Live sketch of a Netflix commercial that introduces next year’s new shows:
I would love to watch an awesome ‘Comedians in a Car Getting Coffee‘ spin-off known as ‘Leslie Jones in a Van Getting Batteries’. I think my favorite part of that is Leslie running over a cyclist while driving in her van to go get some batteries, pretty hilarious. 😛
Tony and Chester get baked
What I imagine would happen if Tony and Chester came to Oregon…
Have some Kung Fu Grizzly Bear
My dad showed me this video yesterday of an old commercial that includes a man fighting a grizzly bear for fish, so I thought I’d share this with you people:
I like how the bear is using its fighting moves because usually bears don’t do any of this in real life. 😛 Oh, and another part that made me laugh is the man punching the bear in the balls, extremely funny. 🙂
The Square-Dancin’ Gnaars
I uploaded another YouTube video tonight. It’s a video of a bug that I found while I was playing some Serious Sam:
Decision 2000 with ‘Dubya’ and ‘Blood and Gore’
I was digging around on YouTube looking at old SNL skits. Will Ferrell and Darrell Hammond singing Sonny and Cher’s ‘I Got You Babe’ while portraying George W. Bush and Al Gore during the 2000 election made me laugh:
I know it’s an old clip but sometimes the old ones are some of the best. 🙂
In tonight’s post: Epic Fails on Ellen’s ‘Game of Games’
After I played some Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and a few other games that I’ve recently played like Portal Stories: Mel, Quake and Tomb Raider, I was watching a video from the Ellen DeGeneres Show that includes various ‘Game of Games’ contestants giving the wrong answers and failing miserably:
I lol’d at the one part right at the very end where a female contestant plays a game called Hot Hands, where you can win money by guessing the correct name of the famous celebrity shown in the picture, but she fails to reach $100,000 and tells Ellen she’s sorry so many times because she doesn’t know any correct celeb names just about. 😛
The Slackers Screw Around In GMod
Yay! I uploaded my first video of the year! It’s the Slackers trio having a fun time and doing strange shenanigans in Garry’s Mod:
Michael Bay + Beavis and Butthead = FUCK YES!!!
I thought I’d share this YouTube video of Beavis and Butthead by Michael Bay. 😛 Enjoy this funny parody:
You’re welcome.