I crafted another game badge tonight (and leveled up too!)

I’ve sold enough trading cards to buy half of the remaining Borderlands 2 trading cards so I can use them to craft a Borderlands 2 badge, and I have grown to level 12 too:

I really don’t care for those Steam coupons but that game profile background looks awesome and the Borderland 2 emoticon is really cool. πŸ™‚

Time to double the Poker Night Fever

Last night I played both Poker Night and Poker Night 2. I managed to obtain a Team Fortress 2 item; a special knife for the Heavy after winning Brock Samson’s orb. I also got some various achievements from both games. Here are some screenshots I took while playing around with them:

Better luck next time, Heavy Weapons Guy.
Victory is mine! πŸ˜€
Adios, Claptrap!
Oh no, now Brock is going apeshit after I won the tournament.

What I like about them are various poker table styles, and the decks like the Team Fortress 2 deck and the Venture Bros. deck. Cool! πŸ˜€ I’ll think about playing some more of those so that I can get more items from TF2 and Borderlands 2.

More fun in Borderlands 2

I took some more screenshots while I was blowing up shit in Borderland 2:


This psycho is sitting up on the stairs, taking a nap.
This psycho is sitting up on the stairs, taking a nap.
Nope, this spiderant queen isn't dead, it just fell asleep. :P
Nope, this spiderant queen isn’t dead, it just fell asleep. πŸ˜›
And I'm inside of it. :P
And I’m inside of it. πŸ˜›

On another note, I managed to get an achievement for allowing a Goliath to level up four times before killing him. Good times. πŸ™‚