Alxala received the Rocko Badge

I went on Steam and they announced that there’s a Spring Cleaning Event this year. So I went to the Steam store and managed to obtain the Spring Cleaning Event 2020 badge after completing every single task in the event. After earning the badge I got 500 XP and leveled up to level 30 in my profile.

I felt so amazed when that happened. 🙂 Tomorrow after I get off work at 4 in the afternoon I’ll plan on making more header images and put them up on my blog if I have enough time to do it, so stay tuned until I get off work.

I crafted another game badge tonight (and leveled up too!)

I’ve sold enough trading cards to buy half of the remaining Borderlands 2 trading cards so I can use them to craft a Borderlands 2 badge, and I have grown to level 12 too:

I really don’t care for those Steam coupons but that game profile background looks awesome and the Borderland 2 emoticon is really cool. 🙂

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala