Have A Good Ol’ Wisher

I’ve got nothing really good to blog about, so I want to show you all a picture of a super tall seeding dandelion that I found from awhile back:

And here’s a closeup of the dandelion’s white fuzzy puffball formed by a good supply of parachute seeds:

I really like those kind of weeds, and I even love the touchy feel of those little fuzzy seedlings. 😛

Current Art Mood: Meet The Seeding Dandelion Sorceress

I was really bored so I decided to make a nature-related artwork that involves a friendly little sorceress who loves tall weeds with miniature parachute seeds that form a white softlike bubble:

Yep, I sure love those tall seedy “flowers” too. 😛

Snow News is Good News

We’ve been getting hammered with snow for the last few days. Here’s a photo of the snowy weather:

My mother and sister were making a snowman out on our front yard, but I didn’t get a chance to snap a photo because I was too busy playing Roku games at the time. Oh well, at least it was a heck of a blizzard here. 🙂

Vacation Days 5 and 6: Goodbye Yellowstone, Hello Montana

Here’s all the pictures that I took on my trip so far:

In addition, I took a picture of a sign about the historical Smith Mine disaster:

And now I have survived traveling to Montana this afternoon, so tune in tomorrow for more pictures. 😃