Even Moar Adobe Illustrator Shenanigans
I was bored so I decided to make my new Adobe Illustrator artwork that includes boxing and zombies:
The whole story behind this is the woman in blue named Bella Blueberry was titled ‘Championship Boxer’ after punching out the zombies to death.
I haven’t posted anything since life’s been keeping me busy. I’ve been doing some Krita and Adobe Illustrator to work on another art project for tonight because I was bored:
The whole story behind this picture is that duckling named Lil’ Quacker was abducted by space aliens and turned into one. 😛
Current Illustrator Mood: Farewell To The Ellen Show
Here’s another thing that I’ve been working on in Adobe Illustrator for tonight:
It’s so sad that she’s all done with her talk show. I’m really gonna miss you Ellen! ❤️
Guess What Today Is?
Current Artwork Mood: Ruby Rocket 2.0
I was bored so I decided to dig through my old Source FilmMaker artwork and found one that I edited with Adobe Illustrator and Krita:
Yep, Jenny is trying to look like the Terminator… 😛
Happy Mama’s Day 2022
I got back to doing Adobe Illustrator after playing some Pokémon Diamond, and I thought I’d turn one of my Pokémon Diamond screenshots into something special on Mother’s Day:
Have a piece of artwork on Cinco de Mayo
I drew a thing on Star Wars Day
I’ve been playing around with some Adobe Illustrator lately, and I thought I’d image trace my old hand drawn artwork of the Darth Vader worm.
Current SFM Mood: Jenny the Parasol Robot
I forgot about putting up this piece of SFM artwork last year. Here it is:
Yep, Jenny sure looks happy as a crime-fighting robotic teenage parasol lady. 😛
Tomala’s Birthday on Earth Day
Had to come back to Adobe Illustrator this evening, but this time I created something special for my sis Tomala:
Hope you had a happy birthday, my Overlord. 🙂