I’m aiming for 500!

I found an old Windows 3.1 card game last month called 500. It’s kinda like Bridge but with different features like the Joker card, different bidding rules, and there’s Misère which is a bid in which I have to lose every single trick in order to make the bid (250 for Closing Misère, and 500 for Open Misère). Here’s a picture of the game looks like:

I somehow managed to make the bid of Open Misère and win the game against the opposing computer team in a single round. Hooray! (Of course, who knows how difficult it was programmed to be!)

This game is alright but definitely not my cup of tea. What sucks about this game is that there’s a notice that makes you wait for 10 seconds, and after playing this game for a two-week trial period I have to pay for it. I’ll have to take a look at Windows files to see if I can figure out how they limit the game.

After the game is over it gives you the results:

Play this some more and then off to something new (old). 😛

Time to learn something new

My Dad bought me a guitar a few weeks ago. He got it on eBay from someone in Japan. Here’s a shot of it:

It’s a Grass Roots Les Paul custom copy guitar made by the ESP Guitar Company. It is made in Korea, but for sale only in Japan. It’s left-handed and it feels very comfortable. I love to listen to music and I’d thought playing guitar would be a good hobby. My Dad’s given me some notes and patterns from certain songs to play so I can break in my fingertips.

I’ll update as I learn but from what I hear, my fingertips are going to be sore for a while.

Alxala Does Hollywood… High!

I found another old Windows 3.1 program called Hollywood High. It’s like the original Hollywood but with real people for actors instead of animals.

You can create your own movies by doing certain things just like in regular Hollywood, but what I like about Hollywood High is that there’s certain features added to the program like the red star button that lets you change the selected character’s name, voice and favorite hobby when editing a scene, a button for adding a title name to the movie, and a button for the Pronunciation Dictionary so that you can edit the pronunciation of the word you’ve selected in the scene.

What’s funny is that I was a baby when this came out, and now I’m messing around with it. 😛