Furniture Costume Mode Engaged
I decided to get back into making more silly outfits in GMod, and here’s what I’ve been working on for my Dawn player model:
I will now call her, ‘Super Furniture Princess’. 😛
Kingdom Fun Time Open Thread
I’ve been playing two different Kingdom games on my Steam Deck, and I have managed to score some achievements. Hooray!
You start off by playing as a king or queen sitting on top a horse, and you’re collecting coins to build and defend your own kingdom from evil monsters. You can also drop coins on people so that they can grab bows, hammers or scythes. If you have enough coins to build certain structures you can press and hold the down button while in front of them. The game is over when you lose your crown to the bad guys in which I got that achievement in ‘Kingdom: Two Crowns’ last year.
I wonder what I’m gonna play on my Deck next…
Stewie the Car Cat
Steam Deck Tuesday Open Thread
Nothing much to report on tonight, but I have managed to unlock some fatalities in Mortal Kombat X on my Steam Deck, and I also survived 11 days in Kingdom: Two Crowns. I even took my first screenshot from my Deck:
Open thread.
Have Another Foto of Der Chuckster
New Gaming Device!
My Steam Deck arrived the other day! So far I have played Scribblenauts and Mortal Kombat X. Both of them appear to be working fine. Right now I’m just learning how to use it and its features – like the on-screen keyboard. I’m really happy with my Steam Deck! 😀
Current Art Mood: Dandelions of Springtime
I’ve been doing some more image-tracing in Adobe Illustrator, and I made a simply fabulous piece of art that’s related to Spring:
PAC3 Fashion Show Roundup
I got back to making more funny PAC3 outfits in GMod, and this I’m working on the ones for my Dawn and Rosa player models:
Once again, there will be more on a later date.
Here’s A Sleeping Chuckie Foto
I took this picture of Chuckie the other night. He was happily napping on the computer chair:
I made another PAC3 thing
There’s still nothing much to report on. I’ve been working on another PAC3 costume but this time it’s for my adorable Jenny player model:
Now XJ-9 looks handsome with a gold hat and bow tie on. 😛