Tuesday Evening Open Thread

It was a cold this evening. We had San_San’s friend coming over for dinner at our house for a visit. We chowed down on some spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. Our friend brought over some brownies that she made for dessert:

They’re quite delicious and so was tonight’s dinner. 🙂 Now, for no strange reason, here’s another one of my latest Scribblenauts inventions:

President Orange Jello

Penny comes for a visit

Instead of putting up more pics of Stewie or Morty I decided to snap a few pictures of our neighbor’s cat named Penny (or Penelope), who likes to come to our house for a visit:

Unfortunately for her, her owners aren’t the best so she hangs out over here because she’s made friends with Stewie. Morty, not so much. He doesn’t seem to like her a bit. 😛

Decision 2000 with ‘Dubya’ and ‘Blood and Gore’

I was digging around on YouTube looking at old SNL skits. Will Ferrell and Darrell Hammond singing Sonny and Cher’s ‘I Got You Babe’ while portraying George W. Bush and Al Gore during the 2000 election made me laugh:

I know it’s an old clip but sometimes the old ones are some of the best. 🙂

Let’s Go Raid Some Tombs

I dug up another classic game that I wanted to try out besides Quake: Tomb Raider. Not the DOS version, I’m talking about the Windows DirectX version. I managed to make my way past the first two levels in the game, and what I like about this are Lara’s angry face while she’s shooting and some various cool-looking textures. 😛

I’d say this is one of the best classical third-person shooters in history, and I like the cutscenes in this game too. 🙂

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala