The Square-Dancin’ Gnaars
I uploaded another YouTube video tonight. It’s a video of a bug that I found while I was playing some Serious Sam:
Have a Penny cat!
I forgot to put this up the other day. It’s a nice picture of Penny on a chair in our garage:
Happy (Slacker’s) St. Patrick’s Day!
I’ve been running behind because real life so here’s a Slacker’s belated St. Patrick’s Day drawing:
I hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick’s Day, as I did. ๐
It’s time for moar kitteh pix
I took a few pictures of Morty this evening. The little guy loves camping out in my bedroom because he likes a quiet place to kick back and take a catnap:
I also snapped a photo of Stewie camped out on the computer chair, handsome as usual:
I made my own version of Trolololololol!
I drew this freehand on my Wacom tablet. I thought I would try to freehand copy something and Trollface seemed like a good subject. ๐
A Cat Named Dog Who Sells Fish? Yup!
I was reading a comment over at a website that linked to an article at BuzzFeed about a Vietnamese cat named Dog. While that name for a cat is funny, the fact that he works at a fish market is hilarious. ๐
Go to BuzzFeed and check out the article for some smiles.
Payne In The @$$
I took a few interesting screenshots while blowing stuff up in Max Payne tonight:

Morty the Closet Kitteh
I got out my camera tonight and snapped a nice photo of Morty in our hallway closet, his favorite hideout. It was too dark in there so I had to get out my flashlight to light things up a bit.
We keep a blanket in there so he has something comfortable to rest on. Yup… we do spoil our cats. ๐
Tuesday Evening Open Thread
It was a cold this evening. We had San_San’s friend coming over for dinner at our house for a visit. We chowed down on some spaghetti, garlic bread and salad. Our friend brought over some brownies that she made for dessert:
They’re quite delicious and so was tonight’s dinner. ๐ Now, for no strange reason, here’s another one of my latest Scribblenauts inventions:

I drew a late night thing
I got bored and decided to get out my drawing tablet to make a picture of Sombrero Jesus:
Why not? ๐