Here’s My Giant Blue Wheel Of Death
Guess what kind of vehicular superweapon I made in Scribblenauts Unmasked?

I always thought war wheels are one of my favorite enemy superweapons, so I decided to make one with a dark blue paint job. 😛
I Added A Pokémon In Scribblenauts
I’ve been playing a bit of Pokémon Diamond lately, so I put together this Magnemite in Scribblenauts Unlimited:
It’s a robotic Electric/Steel-type Pokémon who likes to follow scientists and anything electric. However, it can’t shoot bolts of lightning or sound waves but it can generate electricity. Now that’s shocking!
Another Friday Evening Open Thread
I don’t think I have anything good to report on, so I’ll post this as an open thread with a little something and wrap this night up.

Open Thread!
Zombie Jesus Comes Back To Scribblenauts
Guess who I resurrected back from the dead in both Scribblenauts Unlimited and Unmasked?

Yep, I decided to bring him back to life again since he was missing and/or corrupted due to a clean install on my PC from awhile back. Anyway, feel free to check him out in the Unlimited and Unmasked workshops on Steam.
Here’s My Latest ScribbleBot For Tonight
I came back to doing some Scribblenauts Unlimited after playing around a bit more of GMod, and here’s my latest robot character added to my collection:
This is my version of Bender from Futurama. He like to chug down drinks, follow other robots, protect good guys and destroy bad guys. Feel free to click here to check him out in the collection along with the rest of my robot crew.
You Got LoliRock In My Scribblenauts *again*
I decided to come back to playing Scribblenauts Unmasked, and this time I made a small collection of characters from LoliRock:
I also added Praxina the female antagonist from that TV series. Click here and feel free to check them out if anyone of you Slackers are interested.
Anyways, I’m off to destroy more stuff before calling it a night. Hasta la vista!
Meet The Hammering Eskimos *again*
Guess what I’ve been doing in Scribblenauts?
I decided to bring the two Ice Climbers Popo and Nana back from the dead. I also made them in Scribblenauts Unmasked:
They both spawn a large mallet and the adjective ‘brave’ is added to them when created. They also use their mallets to destroy birds and bears. Now that’s cold as ice!
Oh Joy!
After I got some more new weaponry in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, I decided to jump back into Scribblenauts and made a new NPC character added to the Steam workshop:

She is now living in my collection of Disney & Pixar characters, and feel free to click here to check her and all the others out. Anyways, I’m heading off to Space Australia to kill some more evil scavengers and alien mutants before the night is up.
Team LoliRock Has Entered Scribblenauts
I decided to make another Scribblenauts collection the yesterday, but this time it involves characters from LoliRock:

I also made two more female characters named Lyna and Carissa. Feel free to check them all out today, but there will be more of them coming soon. Stay tuned!
Tuesday Evening Scribblenauts Workshop Fun Time
I was bored so I made two workshop items of the Scribblenauts type, one in my collection of robots and the other in my collection of Mortal Kombat characters:

And now for my next trick, I will continue whatever I’m doing before calling it a night. Adios, amigos!