You Got Half-Life 2 In My Portal

I’m being hugged by a happy marshmallow cyclops dressed in beautiful white armor. 😛

I was playing some Portal since it’s been awhile, and I was left off at test chamber 14. I managed to complete that test chamber and three more, and now I’m at test chamber 18. I even got an achievement for putting my Weighted Companion Cube into the incinerator:

I’ve been doing some other fun stuff like spawning Half-Life 2 NPCs in the game. For example:

I spawned a Combine Soldier and a Combine Elite in Test Chamber 14.

I also ninja-grabbed the turrets from behind and give them to their friends in one of the test chambers:

I think I’ll give myself a break from that game because I need to figure out how to knock over a bunch of turrets into the acid pool without being detected by them. Goodnight folks!

Current Art Mood: I Heart Combine Elites

I got bored so I decided to create a thing in Adobe Illustrator. Here’s my new piece of artwork that involves one-eyed Combine soldiers:

Yep, I’m still in love with those handsome soldiers dressed in white armor. 😛

A Happy Valentine’s Day Hug From The Combine Elite

I forgot to put this GMod artwork up on my blog last year. It was a Combine Elite who fell in love with me by giving me a nice big hug:

Anyways, I hope everyone else has a happy Valentine’s day.

Have another piece of SFM artwork

Last night I was toying around in SFM and made my latest art piece:

The whole story behind this picture is a Pokémon trainer is being reunited with a group of friendly high contrast white Combine soldiers who are so happy to meet him as they’re giving him hugs and red jewels that are shaped like hearts. 🙂

In tonight’s post: Combine Lampoon’s Pokémon Vacation

Success! I have completed my latest SFM artwork project of a group of Pokémon Trainers meeting the Combine soldiers and a friendly zombified Gold Gibus Soldier with a head of a watermelon in a cartoonish city, and I decided to make two new Pokemon trainers which are Ruby (a female trainer in red and white) and Amanda (a female trainer in black and blue).


More SFM artwork projects will be uploaded shortly as soon as they’re completely verified. 🙂

Happy Halloween and enjoy some SFM stuff

Happy Halloween to all you Slackers! I didn’t have any SFM project that’s related to Halloween but I did make random SFM projects, and here are a couple things that I’ve been working on:

This first one is Gloria and Victor, the two Pokémon trainers from Pokémon Sword and Shield, being greeted and loved by two friendly Combine soldiers at a random school. Gloria falls in love with the white Combine soldier while Victor becomes friends with a regular Combine soldier. 😛

And this next project is my own female Pokémon trainer character happily loving the disco balls inside a sauna after being teleported to that location and magically transformed from Princess Anna to Gloria the Pokémon trainer. I think I’ll plan on making more SFM projects whenever I can come up with something that’s both nice and cartoonish.