Ray-Ray the Terrorist Bids Farewell

I decided to come back to doing some Adobe Illustrator, but this time I made some artwork on behalf of Rachael Ray’s farewell to her daytime talk show:

Yeah, I always love watching her show because she always make good food and sometimes ruins it by adding horrible ingredients such as cilantro, broccolini and kale. 🤮 Either way, I’m sure going to miss watching her show so much. 😭

Current Art Mood: Fwendz of Quack Tres

I decided to do some image tracing on my Quake 3 Arena screenshot and turned it into a wonderful masterpiece on behalf of my friend Tomala’s Q3A live stream back in 2019. Here it is:

And now for my next trick, I will continue my journey to visit standard maps in the game. 🙂

Current Art Mood: My Combine Fwendz and I

I was going through my latest GMod screenshots folder, and I decided to turn one of them into a beautiful image-traced masterpiece:

And now I’m off to watch some videos via the Media Player under GMod with my beloved Combine brethren. 😛