I’m Back in Business!

Sorry for not posting last couples day ago. I’ve been down temporarily because I was too busy testing my Steam games on my clean install of Windows 10.

Anyway, I just got two free games installed on my Steam library. Here are the links to both of them:


By the way, everything in my system is behaving smoothly so far. Now I just need to turn up the Eye Candy at maximum velocity on all my games including the ones in my library. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sunday Afternoon Open Thread: Death to the Mafia

This day turned out to be fairly nice this afternoon. I decided to use my drawing tablet since I’ve been doing some more handwriting, and I drew this picture of a trio of mobsters committing suicide:

They usually go around and kill other people, but now they’re trying to do some extremely self-destructive disembowelment on themselves. ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyway, open thread!

Saturday Open Thread: Drunk and Disorderly

Just after 2 AM I looked out my window and saw police car lights down the street. I went outside and saw some drunk driver being interviewed and later arrested/hauled to jail. The way he was wobbling around there was no way the cop going to let him go. That and he refused to take the sobriety test (he would’ve fallen flat on his face anyway or stuck his finger in his eye). I found out today that he was trying to evade the cops and took the corner too wide, ending up in our neighbors’ front yard head into a power pole. I decided to take a couple pics of the scene of the crime:

Don’t drink and drive, call a cab. This guy’s life is going to be all kinda fucked up right now but at least he didn’t ruin anyone else’s life.