Saturday Open Thread + Some Steam Controller Fun

My Steam controller arrived a few days ago. I thought I’d give this a shot by playing some Mortal Kombat X last night after I configured the settings on it. I should probably configure the controller settings for other games like Sonic, Serious Sam and Quake. I like how it has a Gyro setting on the controller so that you can use it to turn left and right, and look up and down in-game. πŸ˜€

Now I can use it to play fun games with Tomala on the HTPC in the living room. πŸ˜€ This is an Open Thread, so feel free to post comments if you wish.

It’s time to get serious!

After I played a bit of Serious Sam Fusion 2017 the other night, I created a Serious Sam collection in Scribblenauts. It has the main character plus some monsters and a few weapons. Click here to look at the collection. So far I have obtained three out of four elements and discovered a secret portal that teleports me to the secret door which leads me to Moon Mountains in the first encounter:

I think I’ll tear into this game some more whenever I feel like getting serious.

Playing The Expendabros on Murica’ Day

I decided to celebrate 4th of July by playing The Expendabros, and I have completed the game after tracking down the final boss and running from sawblades and a big red deadly beam to go on a helicopter ride:

Mission accomplished, Bro!

I’ll plan on playing the original Broforce game someday so that I can unlock some Bros and go through some areas that are owned by Satan and his evil minions, and also some bosses like Terrorbot and Megacockter.

I hope everyone else has a Bromantic Murica’ Day. πŸ˜€

The Green Rabbit Strikes Back

I played some Jazz Jackrabbit yesterday and I have completed the first episode after defeating an evil turtle known as Devan Shell, who’s riding on his bouncy spaceship:

So that’s one down and five more to go. I will dig into this some more any other day, and hopefully Jazz can stop Devan and his twin mega battleships from destroying his home planet Carrotus, and rescue his girlfriend Eva Earlong. πŸ™‚

The Poker Night 2 Fun Fest Continues

I was playing some Poker Night 2 this evening and it seems that Brock Samson didn’t like losing this tournament, deciding on extreme measures:

I think Brock’s head got chopped off or something. πŸ˜›

Upon losing this tournament, Sam chopped himself in half:

Sam half-assed lost right there. πŸ˜›

I used the Inventory tokens to buy some decks, table felts and poker chips after winning a couple of tournaments. So far I managed to win Claptrap’s bounty item which has a Handsome Jack-esque mask for the Spy in Team Fortress 2. I also completed two Poker Night table sets which are Borderlands and the Venture Bros.:

The new stuff looks nice, free stuff is even better. πŸ™‚

Portal 2 Fun Time Open Thread

I played some Portal 2 yesterday, and so far I have completed a few tests including deadly lasers and turrets in Chapter 3 after meeting Wheatley and GLaDOS in the first two. Here are some screenshots of what I’ve been doing with the turrets:

Two turrets staring at the door.
Turret orgy. πŸ˜›
I was playing Dominoes with the turrets by dropping one on them. πŸ˜›

It was a lot of fun passing some tests. πŸ˜€ I think I’ll tear back into this game someday in hopes of reaching Chapter 4.

The Dopefish Lives!

I took a screenshot of a secret Dopefish that I found while I was playing Quake today:

I thought that was a cool thing to see. πŸ˜€ Anyway, I have completed the first chapter in the game by obtaining the first rune and defeating a giant lava monster known as Chthon. So now I’m in the second chapter of the game and I made it to the Ebon Fortress so far. I will continue playing more of this tomorrow.

Moar Metro 2033 Madness

I played a bit of Metro 2033 yesterday, and I have made my way to the market with Bourbon after fighting a horde of nosalises:

While we’re there I found a gun shop to see if they got any good weapons, ammunition and other supplies:

I only bought an automatic shotgun for 57 bullets (they’re also used for currency). This puppy can hold a maximum of five shells so you BLAM BLAM BLAM the enemies with it. πŸ™‚

So far Bourbon and I have reached the dead city to check for supplies and hunt down more nosalises along the way. I hope there’s special weapons around the dead city like a revolver with a silencer or a rifle stock and an air gun that shoots like a pistol, then that would be nice. πŸ™‚

Playing around some Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed

I had a great blast playing Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed with my controller the other night. It’s a multiplayer Mario Kart-esque racing game where you can grab power-ups and weapons such as ice, fireworks, drones, and blowfish. This game has guest characters like Team Fortress, Football Manager, Alex Kidd, etc.

I managed to win a couple events at the World Tour in first place, and I also got a few achievements which are the ones for going All-Star, finishing half a second of an opponent in a Race, hitting 1st, 2nd and 3rd place with a Swarm attack, and hitting an opponent with a weapon while looking backwards. My new Steam controller should be here soon so that I can play games with it instead of my old one. πŸ˜€