Wednesday Evening Open Thread

After a couple hours of playing TF2 this afternoon, I decided to create a ‘Please Wait’ screen picture of a watermelon skull and crossbones for my sister Tomala’s Twitch streaming:

Now I’m at the point where I should add various animated things like two guys smoking their bongs and/or sitting on the couch eating Lay’s potato chips. ๐Ÿ˜›

Open thread!

Sunday Afternoon Open Thread: Death to the Mafia

This day turned out to be fairly nice this afternoon. I decided to use my drawing tablet since I’ve been doing some more handwriting, and I drew this picture of a trio of mobsters committing suicide:

They usually go around and kill other people, but now they’re trying to do some extremely self-destructive disembowelment on themselves. ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyway, open thread!