Even Moar Adobe Illustrator Shenanigans
I was bored so I decided to make my new Adobe Illustrator artwork that includes boxing and zombies:
The whole story behind this is the woman in blue named Bella Blueberry was titled ‘Championship Boxer’ after punching out the zombies to death.
Evening Open Thread
Finally, I get to enjoy the final part of my weekend. Thank bleeping goodness!
Open Thread!
EDIT (6/17/22): I’ve got good news and bad news. The bad news is the last day of my weekend stopped here because the good news is I got called in to pick up an extra nightmare shift because I heard that a few people working at front-end decided to call in sick, and I’m OK with picking up extra work shifts. 😀
I haven’t posted anything since life’s been keeping me busy. I’ve been doing some Krita and Adobe Illustrator to work on another art project for tonight because I was bored:
The whole story behind this picture is that duckling named Lil’ Quacker was abducted by space aliens and turned into one. 😛
Time for a Chuckie cat pic
I thought I’d do another cat blogging post. Here’s a pic of Chuckie that I took this evening:
He really wanted to go outside so that he can enjoy the rainy day weather. 😛
Hooray! I’m rich… or not.
I had a paycheck deposit miscalculation while I was out at the bank earlier this afternoon. I was depositing my paychecks into the ATM one at a time, and when I got to the last paycheck the ATM didn’t read the total amount properly because it showed $84,423 in change instead of $127.
I laughed super hard when that happened. 😛
Some Dynotech Software Shenanigans
I decided to check out some old Windows games made my Dynotech Software. Starting with Dino Spell, a game where you play as Derik the dinosaur and the objective is to answer questions correctly and get all the apples in order to advance to the next level. Here’s a picture of the gameplay:
Unfortunately this is only a demo version because it only has the first two levels just like Dino Match and Dino Numbers, but they’re all fun to play. 🙂
Friday Evening Open Thread
There was an error trying to think of something to post due to being too tired. Will try it again another time… 😴
Have Some Three Cat Night
I’ve been taking more cute cat photos of Stewie, Morty and Chuckie lately. Here are pictures of them:
They sure look extremely adorable alright. 🙂
Final Open Thread of the Month
It was announced today I have reached the goal of 420 game sprite sheets submitted in the Spriters Resource website:
Open Thread!
Stewie After Dark
Last night I snapped a pic of Stewie resting on the computer chair in the dining room:
Anyways, I should consider taking a break from blogging tomorrow which is Memorial Day. Goodnight!