Some More Game Boy Sprite Sheet Duty
I decided to come back to creating more Game Boy sprite sheets for the Spriters Resource website after some gaming fun. Here’s one that I’ve submitted tonight:
And now for my next trick, I will now engage sleep mode and get some rest… 😴
Another Round of Chuck Time
I went outside with my camera and took some cat photos of Chuckie doing his afternoon outdoor stuff:
I also managed to get a little bit of cat footage of him fighting another cat. 🙂 Anyways, I’mma head off to do whatever else I’m doing.
Sunday Night Open Thread
Meh… I don’t have anything to post tonight, but I do have something nice to post tomorrow though. 🙂
Open Thread.
You got Game Boy Advance in my Nintendo DS!
I decided to come back to Pokémon Diamond on my Nintendo DS emulator since it’s been awhile, but this I’m using the GBA ROM files so that I can catch new (old) species of Pokémon from the Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald versions:
So far I managed to get a few of them like this one in the picture below:
I think I’ll plan on continue my Pokémon journey tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Have A Deep Freeze Kitteh
I managed to snap two pics of Morty camping on top of the deep freeze:
Yep, he’s found a new camping spot alright. 😛
Achievement Unlocked: Monday Open Thread
Not much to talk about tonight, but I was about to go torture myself in GMod when suddenly I got an achievement for starting up the game 1,000 times. Hooray!
And now I’m off to do whatever I’m doing in-game. Open Thread.
Have Some Old-Skool Stewie Fotoz!
I’m not in a good mood to come up with something to post, so here are some old pics of Stewie:
Time To Sheetify My Sprites *again*
I’ve been ripping more sprite sheets are doing some gaming tonight. Here’s one of them that got approved in the Spriters Resource website the other day:
Click here to check it out.
Chuckie the Garage Kitteh
I had my camera deployed on a nice, sunny day and snapped a cute pic of Chuckie being a garage cat:
Awww, purr purr… 🐱
The Dean & Ryan Show Episode 4: Jenny Got The Switch
The fourth episode of my comic has been completed! Here it is: