In tonight’s post: First GMod Block Art of the Year

Been playing around on some GMod since it’s been awhile. I decided to make my first 8 bit block art this evening. It’s a mushroom from the old-school Nintendo game Super Mario Bros.:

Yep, I’m a good GMod block artist. 🙂

Guess what I’ve been drawing this evening?

I got my drawing tablet and drew a picture of a tree that grows Cannibis with some nature animals getting stoned and two squirrels eating Lay’s potato chips:

It looks nice but it would’ve been even better if I add a skunk next to one of the nature animals and have it say ‘Can I please join you?’. 😛

Cute Morty Kitteh Photoz

I had my camera out earlier this afternoon and took some nice pics of the little guy:

I had to use Photoshop to brighten that last pic of Morty because the image looks a teeny bit dark. Oh, and yesterday I was making a ham and cheese sandwich for dinner, Morty decided to enter the kitchen and wanted some ham. So I tear off a piece of it off and then gave it to him. He was chowing down on it because he likes ham. 😛