Have A Cute Valentine’s Day Pokémon

I decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day by dressing up my big pink Pokémon who’s shaped like an egg in Pokémon Diamond:

Carluda the Blissey with pink fuzzy hair and a tiara with three pink flowers.

Carluda sure looks cute when she’s happy. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you ladies and gentlemen all around the world!

Welcome To My Forretress Of Fashion

Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my latest fashionable bagworm in Pokémon of the Diamond type:

Pookie the Forretress with pink hair and flower boulders.

She’s actually nicknamed after my Forretress from Pokémon Emerald:

Yep, Pookie is my sweet beloved steel bubble of happiness. 😛

Check Out My Fashionable Plant-Based Pokémon

Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my two beautifully fashionable Grass-type plants in Pokémon Diamond:

Pepper the Bellsprout dressed in green leaves and pink flowers just to make her happy.
Spice the Oddish with some flowers covering her green leaves on her head.

They make a great grassy duo who are good against any weak Pokémon whose types are Water, Ground and/or Rock. I Heart Pepper and Spice! 🙂

Check Out My Earth Elemental Hippopotamus

I’ve been kicking more enemy trainers’ butts in Pokemon Diamond this evening, and here’s a screenshot of my first fashionable Ground-type Pokémon:

Tremor the Hippowdon, nicknamed after the Mortal Kombat ninja who’s an Earth Elemental working for the Black Dragon clan.

Yep, Tremor is my truly beloved earthy hippopotamus. 😛

Have A Queenly Amplifier Pokémon

I’ve been playing a bit more of Pokémon Diamond, and here’s my latest Pokémon whose dressed with fashion with a new backdrop:

Sindel the Exploud, nicknamed after the royal queen of Edenia from Mortal Kombat. Now she’s taking a ride on a cumulus cloud. 😛

She’s also nicknamed after my Exploud from Pokémon Emerald right here:

Well, I’m off to go do the bed thing in a moment. Goodnight folks!

Extreme Pokémon Makeover: Dragon Edition

I’ve been playing some more Pokémon Diamond this evening, and I decided to dress up my little handsome Dragon Pokémon in red scales and a few little red pebbles:

Mavado the Dratini, nicknamed after a Mortal Kombat ninja who’s one of the members of the Red Dragon.

Now he’s a little dragon guy dressed in red makeshift dragon armor. 😛

Meet The Almighty Man Butterfly

I decided to play dress up on one of my Bug-type Pokémon after adding some new ones to my Pokédex in Pokémon Diamond:

Sirus the Beautifly, nicknamed after the rabbit-esque moon person from Dark Chronicle.

Sirus has always been my beautifully elegant man butterfly who can handle any weak Pokémon whose either Psychic or Fighting by using his Bug and Flying powers. 🙂

I’m A Legendary Lunar Lunatic

I came back to playing more Pokémon Diamond, and I was set out on a mission to search for the Lunar Wing in Fullmoon Island after encountering this legendary female-only Psychic-type Pokémon:

Then I headed over to Route 221, and then it appeared all of the sudden. So I paralyzed it with a thunderbolt attack from one of my Electrode, then I switched out to my Dark-type Pokémon and then lowered its HP without killing it. Now I’m determined to catch that Cresselia while being paralyzed with really low HP, and after tons and tons of constantly failing to catching it I finally succeeded! I’m really glad I could use save states, and I decided to nickname my Cresselia after the final boss of Mortal Kombat 11 known as Kronika.

I was gonna catch myself a Darkrai located in Newmoon Island next, except I can’t because I don’t have a Member Card which is an event-exclusive Key Item and I’m 15 years late from that event. Oh well, I guess one legendary lunar Pokémon is better than nothing.


I got back to playing more Pokémon Diamond this evening, and here’s a screenshot of my latest fashionable Pokémon:

Autobot the Ditto floating in outer space with two magic spoons and some flowers

It’s also nicknamed after my Ditto from Pokémon FireRed but unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot of it from that game. I also think that Autobot is also a good nickname for a Geodude and a Voltorb because they can both learn Rollout. But yeah, Autobot is my wonderful blob-like transformation critter. 🙂

Feeling Poisonous With Fashion Again

After defeating the same enemy trainers yet again in Pokémon Diamond this evening, I decided to give two of my female Poison-type Pokémon but this time they’ve been evolved:

Emphysema the Weezing
Sareena the Muk

That’s right, my friends Emphysema and Sareena are beautifully fashionable while they’re poisonous. 😛