I’mma Throw A Souprise Birthday Parteh
I was checking out an old Disney-related DOS game that I found over at the Abandonware website, and that is Mickey’s 123’s: The BIG Birthday Surprise.
In this game, I start off by pressing the number of the amount of sheep you want him to dream about (you can press 0 and he won’t dream and instead just gets up). Then he says a random name he’s going to throw a birthday party for. I wanted it to be Donald so I replayed the part over and over until I got his name, and so the first thing I did is go to the toy factory to make a toy for Donald, and I chose the Mickey Mouse doll:
The next thing I did is go to the food store to buy 9 out of all the things to give the guests as much as possible because I wanted to be a really good host. ๐

The last thing I did is go to the post office and invite everyone to come over to Donald’s surprise birthday party.
I chose to first invite Minnie as she’s Mickey’s girlfriend. Another thing about the post office is if I try to invite the same character twice, he says he’s already invited them. For example: “I already invited Donald.” Anyways, everyone’s been invited! Mickey then goes home with groceries and puts them in the fridge before decorating. He and his party guests await Donald to arrive with the lights turned off while Mickey says “Quiet. Donald’s coming!” and the next thing after that: Surprise! Happy birthday, Donald!
I gave one of each kind of food for most of the characters because I chose to give Chip ‘n’ Dale 2 burgers and fries instead of 1, as they are 2, and then I gave Gus Goose just an apple and milk as he needs to lose some weight very badly. ๐ Finally, all of the characters that Mickey invited are dancing their way out of his house one by one and afterwards he’ll say “Goodbye! Thanks for coming.”
And then he goes back to sleep which starts the game all over again. This old Disney game is a lot of fun, and now I’m off to discover more new (old) stuff.
Torturing Myself With Good Ol’ Flak Attack
I’ve been playing another old Windows game that I remember playing back when I was kid in the Windows XP era, and it’s called Flak Attack:
The objective in this game is to aim and fire at the robot soldiers and stop them from parachuting to the ground while shooting down satellites, jets and helicopters and letting the friendly UN helicopters fly by and drop extra ammo boxes which they can be used as smart bombs to destroy everything in the sky if you shoot them. However, the game is over when 4 robot soldiers gather on one side of my base and then destroy it:
I got up to level 13 with my final score of 444,600 points after killing 853 enemies. I’m very satisfied about it, and what I like about this game is the chain reaction bonus every time I shoot down an enemy ship which will explode and fall into another one after another. But yeah, this old school game is explosively fun. ๐
Playing A Bit Of Scrabble For Ol’ Windoze
I was checking out the old Windows version of Scrabble running under DOSBox this evening.
I already know what the objective in this game is and everything, and it’s really fun just like all the other versions of Scrabble. 10 stars out of 10!
I decided to torture myself with some Battle Chess 4000, which is a board game where the standard chess pieces have been replaced by alien creatures and space humans on a giant chessboard inside a space station. Here’s what the gameplay looks like:

Just like any other chess game, the objective is to checkmate your opponent’s king before they do the same thing to yours.

This is a really fun intergalactic chess game, and what I like about it are the awesome battle animations and certain features like rewinding or fast forwarding to any played turn. There’s also a feature where the player can take back a move every time they make a mistake. But yeah, I enjoyed playing it. ๐
Casino BlackJack Of All Trades
I decided to check out Casino BlackJack for Windows 3.11 running on DOSBox. I’ve never played that old-school Blackjack game before until now, and here’s what the actual gameplay looks like:
I’d say this is a really fun game, and what I like about it is there’s options involving check boxes for splitting aces, doubling down on any count, splitting any two cards and using bonus payments. You can also change the minimum and maximum bet limits while you’re there. Minimum bet limits are ranged from 1 dollar to 1,000 dollars, and maximum bet limits are ranged from 2,000 dollars to 10,000 dollars. Sweet!
Now I’m off to continue exploring something new (old) in the meantime. Until then, I will see you all next month!
Time For Me To Get JigSawed
I was playing an old-school Windows game that I remember playing back in the Windows XP era when I was a kid. It’s called JigSawed, a jigsaw puzzle game where you need a picture file and the objective is to grab all the pieces and drag them to their home spots and solve the jigsaw puzzle. Here’s what the actual gameplay looks like:
As you can see here, this is a picture of Wall-E and Eve but it’s scrambled into puzzle pieces in shapes such as rectangles, ellipses, etc. After you completed it, a message will pop up and will let you know that you have solved the puzzle in an amount of time taken.

Now here’s what the picture of Wall-E and Eve would like if all the pieces are in their home spots:
I also made a bunch of other picture files that are 16-bit color bitmap files because JigSawed doesn’t support the ones with 256-bit color. Another thing I don’t like about this game is when you pick up a hidden piece buried in other pieces in their home spots and I keep deciding to pick one of the pieces from their home spots instead of the ones that are hidden. Jesus Dog Gone Christ, I always hated that to happen EVERY SINGLE TIME! Either way, I really enjoyed playing this fun puzzle game.
I was checking out an old Windows game called Shooting Gallery under DOSBox not that long ago. Here’s a screenshot of what the game looks like:
The objective in this game is simple. All you have to do is shoot four times on all four randomly moving targets which are the radioactive barrel, happy face, traffic light and a bullseye before shooting the button that reads ‘NO!!’
Hooray! I have beaten Shooting Gallery without missing a single shot. Perfect victory for me! ๐
Let’s Talk About Some Acey Deucy
I was playing an old Windows game a couple years ago called Acey Deucy (a.k.a. Red Dog or In Between). It’s a casino game in which the player bets that the third card flipped will be between the first two in value. Here’s a screenshot of the gameplay:
To play this game, the player first places a bet and the dealer flips two cards. The player is then given the option to raise their bet and the third card is flipped. The player wins if the third card is in between the first two, but if the third card is not in between then the player loses.
I’d say this is an OK casino game, but I think I’ll stick with Caesars Palace.
Current Gaming Mood: TOYBOX
I’ve been checking out an old Windows puzzle game called TOYBOX, where the objective is to drop the falling toys (two at a time) onto the matching toyboxes in order to advance to the next level. Here’s what the gameplay looks like:
This is actually the shareware version of this game which only contains 6 levels, in which I finally mastered all of those levels in the game. Hooray! ๐
And now I’m off to heading off to find something new (old). Goodnight!
Some Dynotech Software Shenanigans
I decided to check out some old Windows games made my Dynotech Software. Starting with Dino Spell, a game where you play as Derik the dinosaur and the objective is to answer questions correctly and get all the apples in order to advance to the next level. Here’s a picture of the gameplay:
Unfortunately this is only a demo version because it only has the first two levels just like Dino Match and Dino Numbers, but they’re all fun to play. ๐