Just Turning and Burning Doing Ze Neutron Dance
I’ve been preparing my final preparations in my headquarters before heading off to the hellhole for my late afternoon shift since tomorrow is my turn-and-burn because I got an early morning shift coming up after this.
So stick around until I come back from the evil nightmares of the apocalypse…
Friday Night Lucky Bonus Open Thread
It’s my lucky day! Because I have received additional hours of my nightmare shift for today, and I also got a phone call earlier this afternoon from the workers about wanting me to come in tomorrow for my bonus shift starting at noon o’ clock. I chose to accept their request that they gave me, and hopefully I’ll survive another apocalypse of the evil COVID mobsters who refuse to take vaccine shots and/or put on face masks so that I can plan on what kind of things I should do next before coming back to work again the next day after.
So yeah, I felt so great when I got some bonus work time which means even more cash for me. Hooray! 😃
Thursday Summer Nightmare Open Thread
I’m sorry for not posting yesterday once again. Anyways, I survived another day in hell on a nice summer day today after pushing some shopping carts outside a local store, throwing away trash that got scattered around the parking lot because the wind kept blowing them around, and I even found a one dollar bill that got left behind and then turned in to the service desk for 30 days if nobody claims it. I hope everyone reading this Open Thread is also having a hot sunny day.
Goodnight ladies and gentlemen!
DIY Nature Experimenting Open Thread
Yesterday I’ve been working on a DIY nature experiment lately:

What I did there is I used an empty cocoa powder container, fill it up with some water and then carefully add some seeding dandelions one at a time without knocking any parachute seeds off the puffballs so that the dandelions will be quenched with water in order to last a little longer like all other flowers. 🙂
Oh, and speaking of nature, I was out back pulling up a few more weeds and picked up a lot of fallen leaves off the ground just to tidy up our backyard a bit. Then after I got all that done my family and I enjoyed some exquisite submarine sandwiches that we ordered from a Subway restaurant. At least the food from Subway is far better than the food from McDonald’s.
Open thread, ladies and gents!
Yet Another Afternoon Open Thread
Last night we had two of our friendly cousins coming over to our house for a visit. We had such a great time together from simple conversations with my family to eating meatloaf for dinner along with some salad and green beans. It was a super excellent dinner for the whole family. 😉 I even showed our cousins some of my artwork via my camera including Little Red Riding Hood getting baked, a young couple eating potato chips while getting stoned, etc. I gotta say, they both like my artwork so much. It sure was nice to see our friendly cousins (again). 🙂
I went out back with my Dad this nice but breezy afternoon and didn’t do really much yard work because of heavy winds. We were spreading yard stones on the entrance to our backyard, and tried to avoid breathing stone dust while it’s breezy heavily out here. We decided to call it quits after picking a few more pinecones because we just don’t want to get dirt in our eyes in this breezy weather, and every time I try lift the dirt the wind blows it towards my eyes.