Even Moar Adobe Illustrator Shenanigans
I was bored so I decided to make my new Adobe Illustrator artwork that includes boxing and zombies:
The whole story behind this is the woman in blue named Bella Blueberry was titled ‘Championship Boxer’ after punching out the zombies to death.
I haven’t posted anything since life’s been keeping me busy. I’ve been doing some Krita and Adobe Illustrator to work on another art project for tonight because I was bored:
The whole story behind this picture is that duckling named Lil’ Quacker was abducted by space aliens and turned into one. 😛
Current Illustrator Mood: Farewell To The Ellen Show
Here’s another thing that I’ve been working on in Adobe Illustrator for tonight:
It’s so sad that she’s all done with her talk show. I’m really gonna miss you Ellen! ❤️
Guess What Today Is?
Current Artwork Mood: Ruby Rocket 2.0
I was bored so I decided to dig through my old Source FilmMaker artwork and found one that I edited with Adobe Illustrator and Krita:
Yep, Jenny is trying to look like the Terminator… 😛
Happy Mama’s Day 2022
I got back to doing Adobe Illustrator after playing some Pokémon Diamond, and I thought I’d turn one of my Pokémon Diamond screenshots into something special on Mother’s Day:
Have a piece of artwork on Cinco de Mayo
I drew a thing on Star Wars Day
I’ve been playing around with some Adobe Illustrator lately, and I thought I’d image trace my old hand drawn artwork of the Darth Vader worm.
Tomala’s Birthday on Earth Day
Had to come back to Adobe Illustrator this evening, but this time I created something special for my sis Tomala:
Hope you had a happy birthday, my Overlord. 🙂
Happy 4/20!
I’ve been going through my old SFM artwork this evening, and I decided to spice up something using Krita and Adobe Illustrator:
I hope everyone had a happy day of 4/20 too. 😛