I did a thing in 4/20
I made another PAC3 outfit in GMod this evening, but this time it’s related to today’s date:
And now I’m off to have fun playing video games while getting stoned. 😛
I made another PAC3 outfit for my Scorpion player model for tonight. Here’s a picture:
Now he looks much more of a badass hell-raising ninja. 😛
Time for yet another Chuckie foto
I took this picture of Chuckie earlier in the afternoon. He was camping out on my sister’s bed:
Heheh, he sure looks cute alright. 😛
Video Game Artwork Roundup
Sorry for the lack of posting. I have successfully created some video game artwork from different games such as Quake 3 Arena, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 and Garry’s Mod:
And now I’m off to do something else. Stay tuned!
More Fun with NFSHP2 & MKX!
I’ve been playing some more Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 this evening, and I won a few more gold medals and a huge amount of cash used for buying cars and race tracks. Then I switched over to my Steam Deck and did some more combo practice in Mortal Kombat X to end the night.
I’ll plan on turning one or more of my in-game screenshots into pieces of art tomorrow. Goodnight!
Another Round of Kitteh Kat Fotoz
Here are two pictures of Chuckie and Morty that I took the other day:
Yep, they’re now starting to get along just fine. 🙂
I did a thing on Easter
Short Saturday Night Gaming Open Thread
There’s nothing much going on tonight, but I earned some gold medals in Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2. Plus a couple more achievements from Kingdom: Two Crowns. Hooray for me!
Open thread.
Have Some Easter PokéBunnies
Since Easter begins in four days, I thought I’d share a picture of my Easter-related outfits for Dawn, Rosa and May:
I think I’ll plan on doing some Easter artwork tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Operation Cookie Fun Time
My Mom and I were baking a batch of peanut butter cookies the other day. I’d say we did a good job doing that. 🙂