Sabbath Evening Open Thread
There’s nothing much to write for tonight. I’ve been spending time in the evening ripping a few more game sprite sheets so that they’re ready to be submitted and then published in The Spriters Resource. Here’s one of them:
This is my sprite sheet of the Video Poker Payout Table from the Game Boy version of Caesars Palace. Open Thread!
Dancing in the Sprite Sheets *again*
I recently ripped a sprite sheet of the whole map of Caesars Palace from Caesars Palace II for the Game Boy Color, and then I uploaded it to The Spriters Resource website:
Click on the link here to check out this sprite sheet from TSR.
Another Round of Chuckie Fotoz
In other news: Chuckie has been recovering after being neutered during his first visit to the vet’s office. He wasn’t feeling well for the first day (as pictured above) but he’s doing much better on day four (as pictured below!).
Now he’s feeling much calmer and still a handsome little guy, just like his Uncle Morty. 😛
Having Fun with Caesars Palace Too
I’ve been playing some Caesars Palace II for the Game Boy Color this evening. This is a sequel to Caesars Palace, and it’s similar to the original. But this time you play as an unnamed male protagonist which can be named. You start out with $2,000 and are later given a $10,000 credit limit by the cashier:
After that, you can walk around the casino floor to choose which game you wish to play.

Unlike the first Caesars Palace game, you must win enough money to enter high roller areas. Which means the more money you accumulate, the more fancy-looking your character’s clothes will be. So far I have entered all the high roller areas, wore the most fanciest clothes, and reached over one millions dollars. Awesome!
I just wish the money and the fancy clothes were real. 🙂
And now for sumthin’ completely diff’rent
I was recently in a mood to play an old DOS game called Clock Solitaire. It’s a card game where you’ve got cards forming a circle as if they’re numbers on the clock with an extra pull pile in the middle of the circle, and the objective is to complete all other four-of-a-kind sets before the fourth king is revealed in order to win the game:
I finally managed to beat the game of Clock Solitaire and I celebrated my victory by snagging all the playing cards from that game, making a sprite sheet out of them so that it can be uploaded to The Spriters Resource:
Anyways, it was a fun game but extremely difficult to win.
Kicking off the month with some cat pics
I’ve been going through some old cat pics that my father took, and here are a few pictures of three cats that we adopted many years ago:

They were rescued from an animal hoarder who had committed suicide in 2007. A friend of ours contacted us trying to find homes for the cats and dogs, so we adopted three cats. Unfortunately they all passed years ago: Tommy (orange kitty) died in 2008, Bobbi (Manx kitty) died in 2013, and Sammy (black kitty) died in 2014. I haven’t seen the pictures in years and it’s good to see them again. They were all good kitties and dearly missed. ðŸ˜