There’s nothing to report on tonight, so have a Stewie pic

The Eagles would be proud
I drew last month’s picture on my tablet of another famous rock musician. It’s a picture of Joe Walsh playing his guitar:

I just love his guitar work and the way he plays the guitar too, incredibly amazing. 🙂
Saturday Evening Open Thread: Hard Drive Switcheroonie
Sorry for not posting much for the last few days. Yesterday I’ve been copying more than 250GB of Steam games and other stuff off of my old hard drives and into my new ones, and also relocating my stuff from my Quick Access library after finishing copying files.
So far everything on my computer appears to be behaving normally after doing the hard drive swap. 🙂 So now I just need to re-link the Steam game paths, move a few games from one Steam drive to the other to free up space and whatnot.
Either way, open thread!
Netflix Commercial (SNL sketch)
While I was eating dinner with my family, I saw this Saturday Night Live sketch of a Netflix commercial that introduces next year’s new shows:
I would love to watch an awesome ‘Comedians in a Car Getting Coffee‘ spin-off known as ‘Leslie Jones in a Van Getting Batteries’. I think my favorite part of that is Leslie running over a cyclist while driving in her van to go get some batteries, pretty hilarious. 😛
Have some Baked Oz
I was doodling around on my drawing tablet lately, and I drew tonight’s picture of Ozzy Osbourne getting baked:
Yep, he likes to throw a 420 celebration. 😛
Some Moar Stretchy Weasel Kitteh
I took two nice pictures of the little weasel guy earlier this afternoon. Morty was relaxing on the carpet next to a pale-colored pillow and a musical keyboard: