Tuesday Night Sprite Sheetery Stuff
I got nothing major to blog about tonight other than I uploaded even more sprite sheets to the Spriters Resource. Here’s a sprite sheet that got approved the other day:
The reason why is because I remember watching the movie and the animated series as a little kid. 🙂
Have Another Sprite Sheet Of Mine
And now, ladies and gentlemen. I will now show you my sprite sheet of startup screens used in Bookworm for the Game Boy Advance:
Ahhh… nothing like ripping sprite sheets to make myself happy. 🙂
Monday Night Sprite Sheet Shenanigans
I was bored so I set out on a quest to submit more sprite sheets of the Game Boy variety to the Spriters Resource. Here’s one that got approved the other day:
I’d say this is an OK game, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea to sip on. Anyway, I’mma head off to do whatever else before I drop off for tonight.
My Final Sprite Sheet Of The Year
I managed to get dozens of my sprite sheets submitted and approved from the Spriters Resource website. Here’s this sprite sheet of the Super Game Boy frame from Men In Black: The Series for the Game Boy Color.
And now I’m off to brain about more sprite ripping before calling it a night. Stay tuned!
Dancing In The Sprite Sheets
I’ve been submitting a bunch more sprite sheets to the Spriters Resource website. Here’s one that got approved the other day:
And now I’m heading off to do whatever I’m doing before calling it a night. Ciao!
Saturday Sprite Sheet Roundup
I’ve been making more sprite sheets and submitting to the Spriters Resource website. Here’s one that got approved the other day:
Now I’m inching closer to 1,500 Game Boy / Game Boy Color sprite sheets. There will be more of them shortly…
Super Duper Sprite Sheet Roundup
I’ve been making another batch of sprite sheets of the Game Boy variety and submitting them to the Spriters Resource. Here’s my latest one that got approved:
Oh, I just noticed I’ve finally reached over 2,000 sprite sheets. Hooray! 😀
Now is my time to take another break until I feel like making more sprite sheets. *again*
Yet Another Round of Sprite Sheetification
Last night I got a few more of my sprite sheets approved in the Spriters Resource website. Here’s one from a game that’s based on an anime series back in the 2000’s:
And now I’m heading off to continue my gaming thing before doing the bed thing. Ciao!
Throwback Thursday Sprite Sheet Roundup
I’ve been ripping more sprite sheets of the Game Boy variety to the Spriters Resource website. Here’s one that got approved the other day:
There’ll be more of them waiting for approval tomorrow. Goodnight everybody!
Friday Night Sprite Sheet Roundup
I’ve got a dozen more sprite sheets approved in the Spriters Resource website today. Here’s a couple Super Game Boy frames that I ripped the other day:
And now I’m heading off to do whatever I’m doing before calling it a night.