Late Night Open Thread: Stephen Does Covfefe

I went on YouTube last night and watched this video from the Late Show that includes covfefe, President Tangerine Nazi Rape Clown’s “Travel Ban”, etc.:

I laughed really hard at the fake quote by Abraham Lincoln from the Gettysburg Address: “Four score and seven ratselttab (battlestar spelled backwards)…”. But the quote should’ve been “Four score and seven covfefe…”, which that would be even funnier. 😛

Friday Afternoon Video Roundup

I found a couple of YouTube videos that I want to share with you guys. This first one is from the Late Show where Stephen is talking about James Comey getting fired by the horrific orange shit stain known as President Donald Trump:

My favorite parts in the video are the New York Herald’s headline ‘Lincoln Commits Suicide’, Comey getting Trump’d, and the most favorite of all: Anderson Cooper ripping out his eyeballs and putting them back on at the end. 😛 And this next one is from The Tonight Show where Jimmy Fallon, who’s dressed as Donald Trump, sits down with Martin Short, who’s dressed as Jiminy Glick, as they talk about Trump’s first 100 days as president:

Ohhhhh my goodness, that too is really hilarious. 😛

It’s time for Cartoon Trump!

Last night I went on YouTube to watch some Cartoon Trump clips from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, like Cartoon Trump being visited by Cartoon Richard Nixon and Cartoon Abraham Lincoln, announcing his March Madness bracket picks, and sitting on a gold toilet while trying to tweet:

Yep, they’re quite hilarious and entertaining. 😛

In tonight’s post: Never Fjorget What Happened In Sweden

I watched this video from The Late Show where Stephen Colbert is talking about President Tangerine Nazi Rape Clown’s false claims of a terror attack in Sweden:

I like the one part where Sweden’s Prime Minister asks, “Sweden? Terror attack? What has he been smoking?” My guess is cannabis. I also like the Swedish chef from the Muppets and the phrase ‘Never Fjorget’ at the very end of the video. 😛

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala