I’m Still GModding Around

Sorry for not posting anything for the last couple days because there was nothing much going on in my world. Anyways, I’ve been playing around some GMod lately, and I decided to use one of my GMod screenshots to make it out of a ‘Welcome To My Profile’ artwork for my Steam profile:

I already uploaded this picture on Steam if you Slackers want to check it out from there.
The Slackers Screw Around In GMod
Yay! I uploaded my first video of the year! It’s the Slackers trio having a fun time and doing strange shenanigans in Garry’s Mod:
The Slackers’ Fantastic City 17 Journey
Gorgeous Freeman Does Black Mesa
I found this third episode of Gorgeous Freeman where he takes on more Willsons, meeting a guy named Frank and his Vortigaunt friend named Vorty, and causing trouble in Black Mesa:
My most favorite parts are him using his suit as a hoverboard to surf across the water, his Pootis alarm clock, and Frank saying ‘That’s a big butt!’ as he looks at Gorgeous Freeman’s butt. 😛
Just having fun playing Peggle Extreme
Last night, I decided to play a game called Peggle Extreme. The objective is to get all of the orange pegs to make an extreme fever. Green pegs give you power-ups, and purple pegs give you a bonus boost.
This is a picture from the game:
What I do like about the game is the stage levels that have other characters in them like Jimmy Lightning, Pyro and Heavy from Team Fortress 2, the Vortigaunt from Half-Life 2, the turrets from Portal, etc.
Gorgeous Freeman is the King of the World, baby!
I was watching a couple episodes of ‘Gorgeous Freeman’ on Tomala’s blog last night.
My most favorite part is Dr. Breen saying “I want that ass, and I want it now!” He was voiced by DasBoSchitt, who created the Gmod Idiot Box series. I thought that catchphrase was hilarious. 😛
My second favorite part is Gorgeous Freeman being voiced by Duke Nukem. I like one of his catchphrases: “Power armor is for pussies.”
And my third favorite part is Gorgeous Freeman destroying the Willsons with his crowbar. XD