Casino BlackJack Of All Trades

I decided to check out Casino BlackJack for Windows 3.11 running on DOSBox. I’ve never played that old-school Blackjack game before until now, and here’s what the actual gameplay looks like:

I’d say this is a really fun game, and what I like about it is there’s options involving check boxes for splitting aces, doubling down on any count, splitting any two cards and using bonus payments. You can also change the minimum and maximum bet limits while you’re there. Minimum bet limits are ranged from 1 dollar to 1,000 dollars, and maximum bet limits are ranged from 2,000 dollars to 10,000 dollars. Sweet!

Now I’m off to continue exploring something new (old) in the meantime. Until then, I will see you all next month!

Playing A Game Of The Card Variety

I was checking out a Japanese Game Boy card game called Card Game. This game has 4 different games to choose from. Here are the screenshots of what I’m talking about:

U.S.A. Page 1 (which is sort of like Crazy Eights)
Fortune Telling

And as a result…

Oh, and here’s a sprite sheet that I’ve submitted to the Spriters Resource after playing this game:

But yeah, this is another fun card game from Japan. 😉