Time To Take Another Night Off
Eh, I’m still too sleepy to brain about something to post tonight… 😴
Open Thread.
I’ve Got Nothing, So Have A Yawning Chuckie
Tuesday Night Sprite Sheet Fun Time
I’ve been ripping more Game Boy sprite sheets and submitting them to the Spriters Resource website. Here’s a couple Super Game Boy frames that I’ve submitted tonight:
I also submitted two more sprite sheets, and now I play the waiting game…
More Steam Deck Fun Time with Sonic Spinball
I got back to playing Sonic Spinball on my Steam Deck tonight. I managed to fight some robot birds in the steam arenas and annihilate all the Eggman heads inside the Roboiler:
But yeah, the second level in this game is scorching hot. Now I must cool myself off and come back to it in another time.
Saturday Evening Open Thread
Meh, I’m still not in a good mood to blog about something…
Open Thread.
Have Some Kitteh Fotoz
I had my camera prepped and snapped a cute cat pic of the handsome orange birthday boy hanging out in the garage:
And of course I’ll never forget about his Uncle Morty:
Happy Cat-tastic Birthday Chuckie!
Another Round of Sprite Sheetification
I decided to come back to making more sprite sheets and submitting them to the Spriters Resource website. Here’s one of them that got approved the other day:
It’s a good thing I like Tom and Jerry back when I was little, and I still like it now. 😀
I Drew A Cute Thing For Tonight
Decided to take a break from doing my comic for now and worked on something completely different:
I think I’ll plan on making a comic series involving those blob-like characters maybe someday in the future.
Current Art Mood: Queen Of The Dredwerkz
I’ve been playing some more Quake III Arena lately, and I decided to turn my in-game screenshot into a good piece of art:
Now I’m at the point where I must do my preparations for episode 4 of my comic series. Ciao!
It’s Time For A Stewie Cat Foto
I had my camera deployed and snapped a nice pic of Stewie on the kitchen table earlier this afternoon:
And now I’m heading off to Dreamsville. 😴