Some Moar Stewie Fotoz
Last night Stewie was camping in my bedroom because he hates the sounds of thunderstorms. So I snapped two pics of him resting next to my dresser and my rug:
Fortunately for him, my father’s hair dryer helps drown out the sounds of storms to help him calm down.
Late Night Open Thread: Still GModding Around
Guess what I’ve been doing in GMod lately?
It was an 8-bit building block art of a Happy face emoticon. I also made three more blocky emoticons that include a Sad face, an Angry face and a Derpy face as a bonus.
Have my latest hand drawn pic
I decided to take a break from GMod building block art this evening and move on to making some hand drawn artwork. I made a picture of an old California farmer named Yosemite Abe:
He got tired of living in California so he decided to move to Texas. The reason why I drew that is because this is based one of my current Engineer loadouts in TF2.
Enjoy my latest building block artwork
I’ve been creating some more building block pixel art in GMod lately. Here’s a screenshot of what I’ve been making:
It was an 8-bit traffic light with three colored lights. Press the R key to toggle the red light, the Y key to toggle the yellow light, and the G key to toggle the green light.
I forgot to publish it from the GMod workshop yesterday because I was too busy working on my comic art project. Either way, feel free to click on the link here to check it out on Steam.
Got nothing to say, so here’s an adorable Stewie photo
More Pixie Art Fun in GMod
I forgot to put up my latest pieces of pixel art last night. It was a grey anchor and a rainbow-colored Easter egg:
I’ll be planning on making more pixel art and then upload them to the GMod workshop.
I drew a thing on the 1st day of Spring
Been doing some hand drawn artwork lately after playing a little bit of TF2. It was a Spring-related picture of a male person in a green hoodie giving a flower pot with a white flower to a yellow-haired female person wearing a pink dress with a happy face on it:
I Heart Pixel Art
I decided to make my first GMod collection of the year this evening. It was a collection of my own 8-bit pixel art of various characters and objects made out of building blocks.
Click here to take a look at the collection on Steam, and feel free to check out each piece of pixel art you people would like to see.
I made some artwork for the holiday
Been working on another one of my hand drawn pictures lately. It was a stoned leprechaun holding a bong made of gold on St. Patrick’s Day:

Monday Night Open Thread with cute Morty fotoz
I snapped a couple of cute cat photos of the little guy camping in my bedroom:
I forgot to put these up this evening because I was too busy experimenting some stuff on my blog after my sister finished transferring over my blog to an IP address. Anyways, I got a job interview tomorrow over at a local store in town. Hopefully things will go well as planned. 🙂