Last Open Thread of the Month

I have managed to complete my nature-related collection earlier this afternoon after pulling up some unwanted weeds and fake grass out back especially the ones from yesterday that my father mowed down some tall grass with the weed wacker. It was a collection of seeding dandelion puffballs that I carefully stored them all in my small rectangular wooden box without knocking the parachute seeds loose, and so far I counted a total of 24 puffballs. Here’s a picture of what I’m talking about:

So now I’ve got a good batch of white fuzzy puffy bubbles in a box. 😛 Anyways, my family and I enjoyed some delicious hot dogs that my mother cooked up for dinner since we had hamburgers for yesterday’s dinner. My compliments to the chef that hot dogs and hamburgers are both exquisitively delicious as long as they’re homemade. 🙂

After I got done eating dinner I went down in the garage to help my father mount two fittings from under the Mustang while I move to the passenger’s side of it and turn the tubes to the right several times in order to complete the process. Either way, we got all that car work done and out of the way for the night.

Open Thread! Have at it, ppl!