Playing around with some Quake (again)

I decided to torture myself by playing some Quake tonight, and so far I made my way to Limbo after fighting off dozens of enemies in Pandemonium. I even took various screenshots that are really epic:

Alxala used Thunderbolt! It’s super effective!
This Vore is floating in mid-air.
Knight Battle to the Death!
My Shambler companion is beating the hell out of that Vore.

Now I just need to make my way to Armagon’s Lair, so I can track him down and kick his ass. But that will wait until the next time I play this game. πŸ™‚

That’s Booked Up!

After I played some more Sonic this evening, I went on YouTube and watched a clip from The Ellen DeGeneres Show where Ellen checks out some books with strange titles sent in by her various viewers from her segment called “Looky Looky at This Booky!”:

I think the funniest one of all is “I Don’t Care If My Best Friend’s Mom is a Sasquatch, She’s Hot and I’m Taking a Shower With Her”. Now that would be a great title for a Chuck Tingle book. πŸ˜›

The Fart Where He Smells You

I decided to dig into some Portal 2 yesterday, and I have now reached Chapter 9, “The Part Where He Kills You”:

I even got an achievement for this too. πŸ™‚ This is the part where Wheatley tries to kill the player by using death traps like defective turrets, spike crushers and spinning sawblades. But I think I’ll take a break until I feel like playing this game again. πŸ˜‰