Top Dog of the Scribblenauts Workshop (for now)
I made some more of my Scribblenauts NPCs and items lately, and somehow they’re on top of the first page in the Workshop:
Wow, I was so excited when I saw this. 🙂
Cthulus and Shoggoths Galore
I made another Scribblenauts collection the other day. This time it’s a collection of Cthulus and Shoggoths that I made plus a few others made by other people in which I already gave credit to them.
Click here to check out my collection of Cthulus and Shoggoths.
‘Tis the season…
It has been brought to my attention that more of my items are more popular on the Scribblenauts workshop:
‘Tis the season for Jebus?
Nyan Jesus is Numero Uno!
I uploaded Nyan Jesus to the Steam workshop, and guess what? It’s the #1 most popular item! 😛
I felt so awesome about this! 😀 If you want to get it from the Steam workshop, then go ahead and click here!