Wednesday Night Belated Birthday Dinner Open Thread
My apologies for not posting last couple days ago. Either way, my family and I went over to visit a friendly elderly family relative of ours at their house for dinner this evening.

We were chowing down on some yummy lasagna along with salad that they made, and then we enjoyed some chocolate cake with sprinkles on my belated birthday. Here’s the picture of my belated birthday cake:

I did receive a happy birthday card from them, and the birthday card contained a $25 Visa gift card. Awesome! Now I just need to save my gift card for the Steam Summer Sale this year. 🙂
Once again, my family and I lived for another day as always.
The Attack of the Many-Legged Alien Carrot
San_San found a large weird-looking carrot out in our garden earlier this afternoon. Here’s a picture of the carrot:

Yep, it has, like, five or six legs on that thing. I’ve never seen a good-sized oddly shaped carrot like this before. Anyway, San made us some Cobb salad for dinner after cutting up the carrots into little slices and then putting them on a tray filled other sliced vegetables such as celery, onions, etc.
I gotta say, it was a great garden-related family dinner. 🙂
First Open Thread of the Month
We had our friendly visitor coming over earlier this gray, rainy day afternoon. San_San made us some delicious meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner along with the salad that our guest made. I have a picture of it right here:
San_San also made some freshly baked apple custard pie for dessert last night. Unfortunately I don’t have a photo of the pie but it was super tasty and it sure was nice seeing our visiting guest. 🙂
Open thread!