The Dean & Ryan Show Episode 3: Peanut Brittle Prank
I just completed episode 3 of my own comic this evening. Here it is:
And now I’m heading off to do my gaming thing before calling it a night.
The Dean & Ryan Show Episode 2: The Outdoor Concert Mishap
I have created the second episode of my Dean & Ryan comic for tonight. Here it is:
The Dean & Ryan Show Episode 1: My Most Valuable Treasure
My Krita comic is now complete! Here it is:
And now I’m off to go out on a video game adventure before calling it a night.
Comic Drawing Fun in Krita
I’ve been doing some drawing practice on my two-panel comic in Krita. Here’s what I got so far:
I might have this comic done in a few days or so. Stay tuned!
Have Some Alphabet Lore Artwork
I made a couple of Krita hand drawings of the letters from Alphabet Lore of the Mike Salcedo variety.
And now I’m off to submit more sprite sheets to the Spriters Resource website.
Current Art Mood: Fwendz of Quack Tres
I decided to do some image tracing on my Quake 3 Arena screenshot and turned it into a wonderful masterpiece on behalf of my friend Tomala’s Q3A live stream back in 2019. Here it is:
And now for my next trick, I will continue my journey to visit standard maps in the game. 🙂
I made a thing on Mother’s Day
Video Game Artwork Roundup
Sorry for the lack of posting. I have successfully created some video game artwork from different games such as Quake 3 Arena, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 and Garry’s Mod:
And now I’m off to do something else. Stay tuned!
Adobe Illustrator Artwork Roundup
Last night I was bored so I worked on my new artwork in Adobe Illustrator. Here it is:
The whole story behind this picture is my version of Jenny met up with two floating characters named Hyperstar (on the left) and Mr. Bubbles (on the right), and then became best fwendz with them. 😛
Even Moar Adobe Illustrator Shenanigans
I was bored so I decided to make my new Adobe Illustrator artwork that includes boxing and zombies:
The whole story behind this is the woman in blue named Bella Blueberry was titled ‘Championship Boxer’ after punching out the zombies to death.