I took some nice cat photos this evening of Morty lying around on our driveway:
And of course I’ll never forget my true cat friend Stewie. He was napping on the computer chair last week:
They’re both an adorable kitteh duo alright. 🙂
I’ve got nothing, so have a Car Seat Cat
Have an adorable pic of Stew and Mort
Cats are awesome buddies
Today’s weather turned out to be nice this afternoon. I whipped out my camera and snapped an awesome pic of Stewie camping below the Oldsmobile:
I also got a pic of this little guy lying next to the concrete blocks and a folded-up chaise lounge:
The Stoned Kittehs of 420
I was getting bored today so I drew a picture of two cats who like to celebrate 420:
Heh, I’d thought that was hilarious because cats usually don’t get stoned in real life. 😛
Have a cute kitteh foto
I took this nice pic of the adorable cat duo last night, Stewie was camping out on his blanket and Morty decided to join him:
Meet The DemoCat
I got out my camera and took a cute picture of Morty this afternoon, and I ‘shopped’ him as the Demoman from Team Fortress 2:

The Big Galoot’s Summer Adventure
I took a few pictures of Stewie the other day, he’s doing his adorable outdoor Summer activities like camping out at our garden and sleeping on the car seat:
Yep, he’s definitely an adorable Big Galoot. 🙂
Moar Stewie Photoz!
I forgot to put these photos up last couple days ago. They’re pictures of Stewie doing his random things:
Time for a Stewart and Mortimer photo
I snapped this adorable photo of Morty and Stewie a few days ago. Morty was sitting on the concrete blocks outside, then Stewie decided to show up and started sniffing Morty’s tail:
I’m thinking that Stewie smells something fishy on Morty’s tail. 😛