Morty’s visit to my bedroom
A few day ago I snapped a couple good photos of Morty resting on my computer chair in the first one and on my bed in the second one:

Yep, he likes to come to my bedroom and look for different camping spots that he can rest on. 🙂
Have my latest videos of the year
I have uploaded my first two videos of the year for tonight. This first video is my cat Morty playing with a strawberry that he found on the ground:
And this next one is a short video of a squirrel that my family and I found on the road:
Enjoy some latest Morty fotoz
Here are a couple adorable pictures of this handsome little guy that I took the other day. He was sitting on a computer chair in the dining room on one, and he was resting on my bed in my bedroom on the other:

The Ceramic Bowl Incident with a cute Morty pic
My family and I had some chili and corn muffins for dinner this evening after our home inspection is a success, and while I was having my second round of dinner I heard one of my sister Tomala’s ceramic bowls fall off the top of our microwave in the kitchen, landed on the kitchen table causing the bowl to shatter into bits and pieces. So we got up the broom and dustpan to clean up all the tiny ceramic shards by using the broom to sweep them into the dustpan and then straight into the trash. It appears that all the ceramic bowls were stacked in awkward positions according to my dad.
Anyways, here is a nice cat pic from last month of this handsome little guy being a couch weasel:

Enjoy this cute kitteh foto
I forgot to put up my latest cat pic of Morty earlier this evening. He was resting on a white-and-brown leopard-printed blanket on the couch in the living room:

Time for another Morty photo
I snapped an nice pic of this handsome little guy the other day. He was happily relaxing on a sunny spot in my bedroom:

Yep, he really loves bright sunshine alright. 🙂
I have nothing blog-worthy to report on, so have some Sleeping Morty

Morty’s Cat Day Afternoon
I’ve been spying on the handsome little guy and took a pic of him this afternoon. He was relaxing on the couch in our living room enjoying himself:

The Adorably Sleeping Mortster
I took these pic of the handsome little guys last couple weeks ago. He was resting on top of his cat perch in the garage:

I guess that’s his favorite garage camping spot to sleep on. 😛
Some precious photos of the Little Couch Weasel
I snapped a couple good pictures of Morty happily sitting on the couch from last week:

Heheh, I like the way he sticks out his tongue as he enjoys his wonderful afternoon. 😛